Squirrel eating pizza


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Saw this today in a tree here at home. Eventually it went up the tree and came back down without the pizza a minute later. So the pizza is still up there for a later snack.




Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I attempted to stalk a squirrel once when i was young.I seen it go into a big Trash can at Union lake ball field and I slowly stalked the can hoping to peer over the top and scream to scare the squirrel.Well when I peeped over the top all i saw was a big pizza box on top and no squirrel so I lifted the pizza box to see what was under it and all I saw was a flash when said squirrel streaked out of the can,up my arm and took flight off my shoulder and landed on a pine trunk a good ten ffet away and shot up it like a rocket.I dd scream but not to scare the squirrel but because He sacred crap out of me.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I don't know how to explain this but I think it could go either way as in I am a "Ham eating Hillbilly" since I am a Hillbilly that eats ham but you could also say "Thats a Hillbilly eating ham" and both would be correct.One would be describing me as a type of hillbilly even though i may not have eaten ham in days and the other would be describing something I"m doing at that precise moment. I think that both are correct but for the life of me I wouldn't know why.I know people who can quote you every grammar rule in the book.I know them as grammar nazi's. I on the other hand just go with what sounds right and I usually am right but have no idea why. Now before I learned to speak proper English and was a wild youngun still speaking mountain english handed down from my grandparents I was reprimanded in grade school for using phrases such as "I dodne did it" when questioned about my homework or if i didn't have my homework I"d say "I ain't got none".They tried to put me in speech class and told me it was because they thought I"d make a great speaker.I was all for it till I heard my Mom talking and they didn't like the way i talked and wanted to educate me.I then got a nine year old attitude and refused to be taught anything by them and they dropped me from speech class.Even then i had a very hard head.If ain't and git was good enough for Granny they were good enough for me.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I think that connecting "pizza" and "eating" with a hyphen makes it clear what is being eaten. ;)


"Hyphens' main purpose is to glue words together. They notify the reader that two or more elements in a sentence are linked."

But geez... it was fine the way you originally posted Guy, I understood what you meant. Was just having a bit of fun. :)


Feb 18, 2017
Bass River State Forest
Speaking of squirrels, here is the bird feeder at the Bass River State Forest office. That's a slinky, attached with a hose clamp and some zip-ties. The squirrels had gotten pretty good at climbing the pole and emptying the feeder. This seems to be working. The idea is that the when the squirrel reaches the slinky, tries to climb on it, they get dumped down fast. If you want to see one in action, try youtube and search for "squirrel slinky bird feeder". Pretty funny. It scares the squirrels but doesn't seem to hurt them.
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Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I've always been pleased that slinkys are still made in the US, but my kids are grown and I have nobody to buy one for. Until now, that is! Thanks for the idea! :)

Y'all do realize that we are selecting for superior squirrel brains with these devices?

The smartest critters will get the most out of our bird feeders and produce more young, eventually taking over the world, or at least all our backyards.

Years ago my father rigged a bird feeder on wire, 12 feet above our backyard. We had a great view from our 2nd story dining room picture window, which was higher than the feeder. Every morning, we'd watch the birds and squirrels while we ate breakfast.

Dad asked me one day why there was only one bird on the wire which supported the feeder : When I told him (it was a sharp-shinned hawk) he was unhappy that it would catch the other birds. He got it when I said it would get the slow ones.

We watched one squirrel work out a way to get at the bird seed; every time it attempted to reach the feeder by crawling on the wire, it fell off. Then it tried jumping from nearby trees onto the feeder; no luck. Finally it figured out that jumping onto the feeder sideways spilled seed on the ground, where the squirrel could get it.
We figured this was a particuliary adventursome, risk-taking squirrel because the tip of its tail was missing along with most of the tail fur, indicating a previous narrow escape. Hope it had lots of babies.

My dad was let down when I said his idea of electrifying the wire supporting the feeder was impractical. He was very territorial in those days.
I don't know how to explain this but I think it could go either way as in I am a "Ham eating Hillbilly" since I am a Hillbilly that eats ham but you could also say "Thats a Hillbilly eating ham" and both would be correct.One would be describing me as a type of hillbilly even though i may not have eaten ham in days and the other would be describing something I"m doing at that precise moment. I think that both are correct but for the life of me I wouldn't know why.I know people who can quote you every grammar rule in the book.I know them as grammar nazi's. I on the other hand just go with what sounds right and I usually am right but have no idea why. Now before I learned to speak proper English and was a wild youngun still speaking mountain english handed down from my grandparents I was reprimanded in grade school for using phrases such as "I dodne did it" when questioned about my homework or if i didn't have my homework I"d say "I ain't got none".They tried to put me in speech class and told me it was because they thought I"d make a great speaker.I was all for it till I heard my Mom talking and they didn't like the way i talked and wanted to educate me.I then got a nine year old attitude and refused to be taught anything by them and they dropped me from speech class.Even then i had a very hard head.If ain't and git was good enough for Granny they were good enough for me.

I was raised to think of myself as "middle-class". Later realized I was working-class. When I was a "college dropout" in the 60's one of the cops I wrked with asked if I was a "hippie liberal". I told him I was a liberal fascist or a facist liberal on alternate weeks.
I now believe I may be a south jersey redneck.
"You might be a redneck if........" you come home from the dump with more than you took there.
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Feb 18, 2017
Bass River State Forest
Speaking of squirrels, here is the bird feeder at the Bass River State Forest office....
Super squirrels indeed. At least one has solved the slinky puzzle and now climbs the pole without difficulty. Here he is. Note there is no actual bird feeder on top of the pole. I got tired of watching him up there stuffing his face with seeds. Just to mess with him, I took the feeder down for a time. After, I saw him climb that pole twice, get to the top, look around apparently puzzled.