Search results

  1. stiltzkin

    More Exploring In Bass River

    That is beautiful. I love when it's all opened up like that.
  2. stiltzkin

    Geomagnetic Storm

    It reached G5 (the highest category) a couple times.
  3. stiltzkin

    Geomagnetic Storm

    If only we had clear skies. Even a 10% chance is pretty rare.
  4. stiltzkin

    Geomagnetic Storm It's unlikely that even a G4 event like this could make the aurora borealis visible as far south as the Pines, and the weather this weekend will not be cooperative...
  5. stiltzkin

    Spring Flora

    The pollen is really in full swing right now. It's like a green snowfall. We need a nice rain shower to help wash it away.
  6. stiltzkin

    Land clearing near AC international airport

    Isn't almost all of that due to inflation? $240,000 in 2002 is equal to about $417,000 in 2024. So actually the increase is more like 5%.
  7. stiltzkin

    Spring Flora

    Walked along the Mullica today. Also saw Hudsonia, and sand myrtle. Did not see a whole lot else in bloom.
  8. stiltzkin

    Cold night coming - frost?

    They are all over the place here as well. This big guy was showing off.
  9. stiltzkin

    Spring Flora

    Yesterday, success. Just needed to shift the search a bit further into the swamp. This spot is really, really nice. The cedars, and the flowing water, and the pink. Just serene. It's great to see so many, even though most are not in bloom.
  10. stiltzkin

    Where is this?

    There is another one of those near the Batona Camp. Is it for groundwater testing?
  11. stiltzkin

    Pinelands Fishing sites recommendations.

    If you want even more specifics, I think at around the 4:20 mark he is probably right here. I could be wrong though. There are a couple of spots in the preserve that look just like that. I love it back there, it's very pretty. And fishing is allowed. Watch for bald eagles, they may compete with...
  12. stiltzkin

    Pinelands Fishing sites recommendations.

    Looks to be the Parker Preserve.
  13. stiltzkin

    Spring Flora

    I returned yesterday to check. Still looking good, but they are not ready yet. The area is a lot more flooded right now. Couple of other things.
  14. stiltzkin


    If it's alright to resurrect this thread: I read this post some time ago, and thought that this lead sounded interesting enough to plan a future visit to Winterthur at some point. Yesterday I visited the estate (which is very beautiful, by the way) and also made an appointment with the library...
  15. stiltzkin

    Where is the OLDEST habited area of the Pinelands?

    I think it depends on what you mean by habited...the Lenni-Lenape go back a long way :)
  16. stiltzkin

    Atsion Mansion January Evening Tours

    A very belated thanks for the night tour, Nick. It was a really enjoyable experience, and I got a couple of neat photos out of it that you might like as well.
  17. stiltzkin

    Zeb's Bridge

    I couldn't find a whole lot either. On the CRRNJ map in the back of The Trail of the Blue Comet, the only station shown between Lakehurst/Manchester and Tom's River is labeled "Pine View," so maybe that is a later name for either the Appollonio/Appollonia (?) or Germania stations?
  18. stiltzkin

    Spring Flora

    These are from almost exactly a year ago. I realized I never posted them here. I would very much like to return to the same spot this year and see how they are doing, if I can find the time.
  19. stiltzkin

    Spring Flora

    Maybe we should have a general thread for spring plant finds? Found a very vigorous and pretty patch of these two classics on Sunday.
  20. stiltzkin


    I am sorry to hear that as well. I have his book on Brotherton. I just recently took a picture of the mentioned sign, when I was over there checking out the old Indian Mills Pizza building.