Need some help… I vividly recall a photo from probably the the 1930’s, maybe earlier, of a car parked along route 72, maybe 539. There is a person standing by the car. The photo primarily conveys the pine plains and you can blatantly recognize the contrast between the height of the pines then compared to now. The pines are incredibly short in the photo.
Does anyone know the photo I am referring to? I believe it was from the library of Congress, but at the same time I’m not certain as I combed over the Library of Congress website and did not find it. if anyone knows the photo I’m speaking of and can direct me to it. That would be fantastic thanks.
Does anyone know the photo I am referring to? I believe it was from the library of Congress, but at the same time I’m not certain as I combed over the Library of Congress website and did not find it. if anyone knows the photo I’m speaking of and can direct me to it. That would be fantastic thanks.