The "New Freedom Line."


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I have always wondered why in the Webb's Mill and Black's Bridge area there was two survey lines running parallel with each other about 100 feet apart. What would be the point of this? Well, I now believe I know the answer to that and I will try and explain it properly as best as I see it. If what I am pretty certain is true, that area would have looked much differently today if things had gone in a somewhat different way. If anyone has any info on this let us know.

Have you ever heard of the New Freedom Line? This was apparently an easement the Jersey Central Power & Light had that went right right through the area I mentioned above. In the below photo's I will show you exactly where it was by using HistoricalAerials (1972) and the 1995 aerials.

This photo shows the easement at Blacks Bridge and the Eureka Gun Club. The easement is 200 feet wide and the edges of it pass along the edge of the Eureka property. It crosses through the cedar swamp at Blacks Bridge and then turns and heads more east. The red arrows I am pretty confident is the Greenwood Tract survey, and 100 feet away the yellow arrows point to the exact center of the easement. The plan apparently was to run the 200 foot edge of the Greenwood Tract. Anyone who knows this area can tell you that this endeavor would have changed the complete character of the area and even have taken out Blacks Stone.


Now lets move to Webb's Mill. This easement would have went directly across the beaver dam area of Webb's Mill. Right at this point it makes a curve. This map shows the easement route along with 539 and the bridge at Webb's Mill on 539 right by the boardwalk.


This photo shows the same location as the above photo and the orange lines point to the easement area.


Now the area from Eureka to the power lines along the old RR route is harder to see in 1995. However, by using in 1972 we can see it. I have shortened up the path to try and keep the photo smaller. Eureka is on the left and the present power lines are on the right. If you enlarge this photo by clicking on it you will have to scroll right and left to see it all.


By using various aerials you can see more than I have presented here. Hopefully, someone can tell us why this never materialized.

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Apr 4, 2011
Teegate, great detective work! I found this to be both alarming and interesting and you are absolutely correct in saying if these transmission lines had come to be, that the area would definitely have a different appearance.

Your findings also explained what I was seeing in the area around Webbs Mill the last few weekends, while I was looking for signs of forgotten dwellings and a tar kiln, that being the dim roads that mark the boundaries of the New Freedom Line. It is also interesting that a large area behind the beaver dam was cleared of trees up to the north eastern boundary for the ROW, which can be clearly seen in the 1956 aerials.

1956 aerial of clear cut area up to the boundary line


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Very interesting Guy. Thank God somebody put the brakes on that project. I always wondered what that odd kind of extra parallel clearing was that ran along Jones Road. I've even walked stretches of it just wondering what it was. I think you are saying that is either the Greenwood line, or the New Freedom Line depending on where I was on Jones Road.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The 1956 aerials show what I beleieve to be the Greenwood line. Then, in 1972 we see another line about 100 feet away. I believe they were running the easment right along the edge so they surveyed 100 feet away from the line. That is the thinner line that runs parellel to what I am saying is the Greenwood line. Since the Greenwood line does not run in the area between Eureka and the current power lines, we only see the center line they surveyed.

It should be interesting to see if we can come up with more facts on this.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Guy, the New Freedom line was going to be for Oyster Creek (the second plant--Forked River Plant). The plan is dated 1973. Good thing somebody stopped it.

New Freedom is a place name in Camden County where they were putting in a big substation. This line would have really torn the pines in half, going right near Chatsworth as well.

I think (thinking back), that 3 mile Island's accident squashed this.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I wonder who this was?

An historian for the State informed the Staff that both the New Freedom and Deans transmission lines were completely clear of all national and state register sites.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I wonder who this was?

An historian for the State informed the Staff that both the New Freedom and Deans transmission lines were completely clear of all national and state register sites.

He was probably correct, since anything we know about is only dear to us, and not some beauracrat. It would have to be registered for that. Hangar 1 at Lakehurst is a National Historic Site. They won't let that be harmed.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
When I first made my map of the pines several years ago, I downloaded the State's list of historic sites. As I recall, none of them were in the pines.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I found other documents showing the Federal Energy Regulatory Commision presided over proceedings where JCP&L was under fire from 5 other utilities for not completing an agreement they had regarding the power and lines from Forked River. Pretty technical reading, but the upshot of it is that a major complaint by JCPL was that it was impossible to complete the line due to Pinelands Regulations developed after their plan.

All of that is here if you have a bit of the legal mind in you and understand complex negotiations regarding power distribution agreements:


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I only read a portion of that pdf file and it shows that the towers would have been all over the pines. Carranza Road, Moores Meadow, etc, etc. This would have been a nightmare for sure.

Hopefully we can learn more. Nice finds Bob and all. Now I just have to now find a monument for this line. :) A new project.



Apr 4, 2011

Bobpbx, this is a terrific link. There is very specific information for each segment of the line, some of it may be too revealing. Surprisingly, the researchers acknowledged that the lines and towers would obstruct many scenic corridors.

What is considered to be a prehistoric resource in the context of the report? Fossils?


Apr 4, 2011
Possibly Paleo-Indian sites?

Oji, I quickly glanced over the report and missed the tail end of page seven, mentioning the Woodland and Archaic periods along the Mullica, the North Branch of the Forked River, and the Gates Branch. For some reason, even though it isn't true, I never think of indigenous people being part of the ancient history of the area.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Bobpbx, this is a terrific link. There is very specific information for each segment of the line, some of it may be too revealing.

When I read it, all I kept thinking of is how well that document describes the wonderful treasures we have in the pines. Anybody that would construct that line after reading it has no heart at all.
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