Recent content by amf

  1. amf

    Berlin Peak

    That was always my guess... there was a lot of ironstone as I recall. Looking at your high point reference, its kinda sad when so many of the highpoints are on landfills! amf
  2. amf

    Berlin Peak

    We used to go camping back in there when I was a kid... always called it 'Red Hill'.
  3. amf

    Mutant Piney Burley Tobacco

    Do you always use osmocote on your plants? Tobacco is a heavy feeder, but thats some hot stuff. I've always liked the plants. There was a farmer some years back outside Hancocks Bridge in Salem County who grew a field of it. Your chew recipe sounds good, but I vowed never to touch the stuff...
  4. amf

    Meadow Companies

    Great reference. I recall when researching land rights on salt hay farms along the Bay in Maurice River Twp NJ coming across a reference to a 'slave ditch'. Presumably it was dug by slaves, but who knows.
  5. amf

    Meadow Companies

    I believe the Burcham farm is (was?) a private bank benefitting their farm. The meadow bank companies were a different thing. The closest analogy I can think of is the acequia system of irrigation canals in New Mexico - really a communal undertaking. The landowners abutting a meadow would band...
  6. amf

    HERE maps - possible changes coming

    Altho I am a bit late to this HERE party, having been pre-occupied with a move, my experience with anything Garmin or Navteq, while being excellent products, is that they exist solely to regularly extract money from your pocket. Good luck with developing your alternatives!
  7. amf

    A photo to mull over

    They have also been processed in Bivalve / Port Norris.
  8. amf

    Manumuskin River

    And there is a LOT of deep water! I've paddled from the bridge a good ways upstream, doing more paddling than walking.
  9. amf

    Streams in Suburbia

    As far at the park goes, I recall when you could paddle on New Brooklyn Lake, prior to all the development in the watershed. Still an impressive stretch of swampland extending up to Cross Keys Road.
  10. amf

    1939 WPA Map of New Jersey

    Interesting the places that appear in red lettering on the map... in Salem and Cumberland Counties, there is the Seabrook Bulb Gardens and a place called Ivy Manor. I knew a farmer in that area whose home place was called Ivy Manor; never knew there was any significance to the name, and still...
  11. amf

    Starlink Satellites

    I saw it for the first time at Craters of the Moon last summer. At that time I had no idea what it was... we really thought we were either hallucinating or seeing UFO's!
  12. amf

    Abbott's Meadow

    Not much you can see on foot - you need boat! The bright areas in the photo are probably mud flats. I've gone in there once at low tide by kayak from Elsinboro Point. You can go into the meadows from Black or Straight Ditch and come out onto Alloway Creek, then paddle back up the Delaware to...
  13. amf

    The Market & the Auctions

    All this brought to mind Danny Mertz' place in the Berlin market. Don't know if its still there, but growing up it was the go-to place on Christmas Day for those last minute items you always needed.
  14. amf

    Pink to Pink

    Beautiful stand of them.