Recent content by DeepWoodsExplorer

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    Franklin Parker Preserve

    Mountain biked today with fishing gear. Started from the Speedwell entrance and ended up at the Chatsworth Lake entrance and biked back via 532 to 563 entrance. I wanted to beat the rain, the rain never came. The Egrets and Big blues (huge) are still having a field day due to low water levels. I...
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    Furnishing Style

    I did the same years back. Got rid of stuff I didn't need for cash. I was usually out of there by 9:30 (started at 7:00) If you drove by the old Flea market today, you would probably drive pass the area before you realized you actually passed it.. Totally developed with multiple Condo units.
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    Furnishing Style

    Too Bad Rte 70 Flea market was torn down and developed with Condo's. I made some great finds there. That whole area is transformed.
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    River Otter sighting on the Wadding River

    Could be a Mink due to the size. It was hard to get close and moving fast. Either way, Still cool to see.
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    River Otter sighting on the Wadding River

    I could not upload the video, So I snipped a shot of the Otter. The video was much better.
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    River Otter sighting on the Wadding River

    I had an awesome River Otter sighting on 8/4/2024 on the Wadding River while Kayaking. As 3 of us were traveling downstream my daughter noticed an Otter on a high bank looking down to the river. It was racing along the edge heading downstream, I guess to get ahead of us. I paddled forward ahead...