Recent content by piker56

  1. piker56

    Cold night coming - frost?

    So they said, but it was 48 when I went out this morning.
  2. piker56

    A PBX Hike, The Warren Grove Wildfire 6 Months Later

    I did a shorter version of this hike in September 2007. This area was the first Pine Barren Gentian I ever saw.
  3. piker56

    Cougar in the Pines?

    I doubted that we had black bears in the pines until we had one in our back yards last year. Now it's cougars too? Ya never know.
  4. piker56

    Harris Station

    I love walking the tracks in the pines. Something about looking down the tracks as they fade into forest...
  5. piker56

    The Baron of the Pines

    Very good read. Thank you for posting.
  6. piker56

    Tornado Damage

    I drove through that area on my way to work that Tuesday. I was stunned.
  7. piker56

    Music for the day

    I forgot that she had such a pretty voice...
  8. piker56

    Chatsworth Lake

    Yup, it's been low before. Kind of neat to see the sand "islands" that I've gotten out of my canoe and waded when the level was normal.
  9. piker56

    Chatsworth Lake

    My brother Tom and I went to Chatsworth Lake this past Saturday. We fished from sandy shore lines that are normally under water. While we fished, we picked up bottles that were thrown into the lake in years past. We ended up with 10 bags of bottles and cans. Hopefully we'll continue to clean it...
  10. piker56


    I registered with the state when it first started. I received an email last week that there were appointments available in October. Had already called my family doctor and got an appointment in 8 days. 2nd shot is in 2 weeks.
  11. piker56

    Hello all!

    Hello all. It been a few years since I've been on the site. Life has not been kind to my wife and I health wise. First me and then her. My wife unfortunately passed away on 13 February, 2021. I've been her nurse for the last year and a half. Now with her gone I am finding solace in the pines...
  12. piker56

    Frost may be coming

    Ah, Friday night, I opened my window and I fell asleep to the death cries of all the chiggers!
  13. piker56

    Jackson Road Closed

    Yup, you're right Redneck. So many road names change I can't keep up! It's A.G.E. disease. Gets worse every year!
  14. piker56

    These secluded 60-year-old fishing cabins could be demolished by the state

    Figures. New Jersey always seems to take what it wants, when it wants it.
  15. piker56

    Jackson Road Closed

    I take Jackson Road from Rt 73 to the 1st stop sign going towards Indian Mills (just past the cranberry bog), to get to work. It looks like they are replacing a storm drain or sewer line. There is a detour if I'm running late (which is almost every day these days). It is usually open on my way...