Recent content by Slipkid

  1. S

    West Jersey Cranberry Meadow

    I have pedaled and run through there a few times. Reminds me of Franklin Parker. My understanding in speaking with one of the new Owner's caretakers is that it will remain essentially a private hunting ground. No access is tolerated. FWIW my 2 cents is the DEP should have taken a harder look...
  2. S

    Power Lines

    Good luck with the search. And you may be right on another car. IIRC what I inspected did not have an open passenger door. And I thought it was a Buick but deferred to the Pontiac Grand Prix as the answer given I have not been up to the car in about 3 years.
  3. S

    Power Lines

    I have been by that car a few times. It is just off a trail that is part of a 4.3 mile running/bushwhack loop from my younger days. The VIN plate has been removed. It is in somewhat close proximity to 2 completely stripped Fox body Mustangs. The Grand Prix is intact, have always wondered...
  4. S

    Otters in a cranberry bog

    Mountain biking the Franklin Parker yellow trail yesterday. Made a wrong turn, found myself on the Pine Island Cranberry bogs. Worth it - 2 river otters popped up from one of the flooded bogs. Saw me, gulped air and disappeared. Pic attached - was able to get video but file is too large for...