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  1. Tim Nist

    Just to say hello to all

    Trust me, that guy wants to be as far away as possible from me. I do like the idea though.
  2. Tim Nist

    Just to say hello to all

    I have no problem giving hell to someone who trashes anywhere. I got into a major throwdown years ago with a canoer who tossed an empty can near Hawkins Bridge. He probably still is wondering why I went nuts on him, or hopefully not. By the same token, if someone wants to cruise the pines...
  3. Tim Nist

    Just to say hello to all

    Thanks for the map info. This is the kind of tech that we never had back "in the day". The topo maps that I still have are from copies I made from the Geo Sur maps at the Burlington Co Library in My Holly. They are just like the "classic" ones I see here and on line elsewhere. They were huge...
  4. Tim Nist

    Just to say hello to all

    Just signed up with this site. Very nice job. When going through the forums, old and new, I couldn't help but think back to the times I spent exploring the PB. It has been many years (10 or more) since I took to the trails, heck, twenty years ago I spent two or three days a week there. In...
  5. Tim Nist

    Don't slow down, we'll get stuck

    Don't slow down, we'll get stuck