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  1. stiltzkin

    Atco Dragway Fire
  2. stiltzkin

    Atco Dragway Fire

    Thanks, I appreciate the info. I didn't smell it in the house until the last hour or so, and now it's pretty intense. The wind must be pushing it this way. Going to put the HEPA filter into overdrive yet again.
  3. stiltzkin

    Atco Dragway Fire

    Very smoky here as well. Was wondering where this was located.
  4. stiltzkin

    Atsion Mansion Photos

    No worries. I don't want to derail the thread here.
  5. stiltzkin

    Atsion Mansion Photos

    It does not work properly for me on Firefox or Chrome across multiple platforms and devices (Linux, Windows, Android). All of them link to somewhere in the middle of one of the previous posts with the pictures of Ace Campground and Lower Forge. Also, if it was meant to be an image embed in the...
  6. stiltzkin

    Atsion Mansion Photos

    I was fascinated by Guy's photo from 1958 in this thread. (Linking to a specific post in this thread does not work properly due to a forum software bug, but if you scroll down you'll see it). Edited by Teegate: Here it is. Atsion_Mansion_1955s_2012.jpg
  7. stiltzkin

    Pine Barren History Shorts

    John McPhee recounts it a bit differently: He also recounts Fred Brown's (I'm guessing fanciful) version: This is all taking place decades after the event, though. I would believe the contemporary account over these stories.
  8. stiltzkin

    Odd impression

    No others around it, that's the only one?
  9. stiltzkin

    Finding an Old Book

    A second source recently ended up coming through for me on another copy of this book, which is in better condition, and which is signed by Dr. Bisbee. I could not pass it up. This is the one I'd like to keep in the collection. I certainly don't need to own two copies. If anyone happens to be...
  10. stiltzkin

    Official State Juice

    Probably would be too controversial as it's specific to our half of the state.
  11. stiltzkin

    Official State Juice

    I like cranberry juice a lot, but the usual stuff is way, way too sweet for me. They add so much sugar to it. If you can find it completely unsweetened it's really good with club soda.
  12. stiltzkin

    Fries Mill

    That would probably make much more sense, yes.
  13. stiltzkin

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest
  14. stiltzkin

    Fries Mill

    Your photo, and the photo I posted above from the Maurice River Township society, are the only two photographs I've ever seen of the settlement. I'm sure that more exist, but I haven't seen any. I'm not sure if the mills in either of the two photos match up with the line drawings. Doesn't look...
  15. stiltzkin

    Fries Mill

    Keep me posted if a trip is in the works to Fries Mill. I do want to go back there. Ideally in the fall or winter again - exploring should be easier than in the summer. I think the sandy beach area in the photo is almost completely swallowed up by the woods now. If you look at it on aerial...
  16. stiltzkin

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest

    I don't think that you must live right on top of a piece of land in order to feel a sense of responsibility to it, or to be entitled to have a voice in what happens to it. I don't physically live in the Pine Plains, or at Friendship, or on the banks of the Wading, but I don't want to see any of...
  17. stiltzkin

    NJ Silica Sand Co

    These are awesome, thanks for posting.
  18. stiltzkin

    Flash Point

    It appears to be an "E-Z-Est Way" range. This was an early mail order brand of Sears, Roebuck & Co that existed from about 1915-1928. You can see a vintage ad for a similar one here.
  19. stiltzkin

    Atco Dragway to permanently close after 63 years in NJ, all remaining events for 2023 canceled

    Fazzio's mentioned in their listing that they didn't know who the "new owners" are and that they were working with the "previous owners" - that's the strongest indication I've seen that it's changed hands. But that could also be incorrect.
  20. stiltzkin

    Piney Tribe @ Burlington County Farm Fair

    Mm, yes, indeed. I actually asked the new owners of Buzby's back in January whether they still had any copies of this and some of her other non-cookbook works I'm after. They were nice enough to get back to me, but I don't think they have found any. She is a member of these forums as well but...