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  1. TacoTues

    Closing West Mill Road

    Well I was going to take an updated gate photo after work, maybe sit atop it and gaze out upon the right of way for which I have no use… But seems a tree was misplaced here on W Mills/Sycamore/Unnamed State Rd. Anyways, I huffed and puffed and rearranged things off to the side...
  2. TacoTues

    DEP Announces Virtual Public Meeting to Launch Wharton State Forest Visitor and Vehicle Use Survey

    Do you by any chance know which if any “mapped motorized routes” highlighted in yellow on the proposed map are currently closed? Asking because when I pointed one out to a Parks employee at the open house, he said there were “at least a few more” that currently have some kind of access issue...
  3. TacoTues

    DEP Announces Virtual Public Meeting to Launch Wharton State Forest Visitor and Vehicle Use Survey

    I wouldn’t be too discouraged. I wasn’t there for most of the open house but at least from 5:30 forward it was quite the showing, these sorts of public comment period events often don’t have anywhere near that number of people attend. It really reminded me of the public comment open houses for...