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  1. P


    wow that's wild
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    i hear the kkk meet in the atco pines. any truth to that rumor?
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    Bats and a Snake

    that's a big snake
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    The Ramble Inn

    i love nesco and its inhabitant's, which i affectionently call "nesconians"
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    Teen tragedy hits S.J. again

    i'm confused on how he died. i read the article but i don't understand how you can die from having burning rubbing alcohol on your skin... don't they teach stop drop and roll in the boy scouts?
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    Coyote puppies

    coyote mountain is a good place to hear them at night. (it's near chatsworth) early in the morning, one of them walked right through our campsite, so watch yourself.
  7. P

    Spring so far:

    wow, that's really cool. you sure are good at finding them pines creatures. also the photos are really impressive.
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    Tracks blocked by thousands of trees

    i heard that it was done by the police. it gives them a clear view of the pit so they can see if people are riding quads or dirtbikes illegally.
  9. P

    Thanks Ben

    hilarious. what a clown! it's almost sad though, your website was clearly a major part of his life. he looks like he's on the verge of tears...
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    Bitten by a dog (DOG BITE PHOTO)

    that picture of the box is awesome.
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    Fire Breaks

    cool picture, i always wondered how those trenches were made
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    White Deer

    i've seen white deer in that area around taunton lake as well. must be a large population of them over there
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    snake milking

    it says he was drunk when he got bit. earlier that day the park rangers took away beer from his group of friends. alcohol and poisonious snakes don't mix
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    i was talking about hiking the length of the rail road tracks in the pines, from atsion, through carranza to chatsworth. i think they even extend over rt. 72 across a small bridge. that'd be a cool spot to hike to.
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    is it possible to hike the whole length of the railroad tracks? anybody ever do it?
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    last year, a few friends and i were hiking between carranza and apple pie at night, and when we finally made it back to the car, i could feel something strange on my legs. i looked down at my legs but i didn't see anything at first. i used my headlamp and looked very closely at my ankles, and...
  17. P

    hi everyone

    where abouts do you roam the pines?
  18. P

    How did you get started?

    the best way to find cool spots in the pines is to just find a random dirt road and cruise on down it and see where it takes you. getting lost and trying to find your way back is half the fun in my opinion, so always bring a full tank of gas. caranza road is a good place to start...