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  1. Boyd

    boydsmaps site/connectivity problems

    No, didn't do anything special. The Southern part is the same as before, the Northern part was downloaded the same way. I am using .jpg files for all of these, the files are much smalller than .png and it's very hard to tell any difference in quality with aerials. I might add some of the other...
  2. Boyd

    boydsmaps site/connectivity problems

    The update is finally online! This is quite major with many code and map changes, so see my earlier post about clearing your browser cache if you have problems. New 2015, 2019 and 2020 aerials with full New Jersey coverage are now online, joining the 2007 and 2012 aerials that were updated...
  3. Boyd


  4. Boyd

    boydsmaps site/connectivity problems

    So much for that plan! :D Just finished the 2019 download, it will take 20 hours or more to process. The 2015 aerials are finishing up but won't be done until late tonight. Hope I can put everything online tomorrow, but it depends on whether the 2019 files are finished.
  5. Boyd

    boydsmaps site/connectivity problems

    Update: I have 2020 aerials for the full state ready to go, finishing up full 2015 aerials and downloading full 2019 aerials (servers are slow today). As with the others aerials, resolution is 4 feet. Also, I have the NJGIN Historic Topo for the full state ready to go, they're USGS 62k topo's...
  6. Boyd

    boydsmaps site/connectivity problems

    The site has now been updated. Unfortunately, I'd expect this to cause problems due to cached data. Clearing you cache should fix these issues, here's a link that may help. If you've installed the app on the home...
  7. Boyd

    boydsmaps site/connectivity problems

    The changes to the site are ready, just want to double-check my code a bit before uploading. I have also extended the 2012 aerials to cover the entire state and the new map tiles are installed. Just finishing up an expanded version of the 2007 aerials with coverage of the whole state too. When...
  8. Boyd

    boydsmaps site/connectivity problems

    Yeah, was thinking about this after my earlier post. With the MapTalks API that I use, there are two modes. If you want to use the 3d mode (like I do) that requires webGL which strictly enforces CORS. I'm fine with that - not going to fundamentally change boydsmaps and remove 3d view because of...
  9. Boyd

    Home Made Beef Jerkey

    Wow. I'm sure it will be great - congratulations! Me... I'll stick with my $59.99 Home Depot POS. This place is way above my pay grade, my computer didn't even cost as much as the cheapest one! :D Not into all this fancy smoking but have been slow-cooking ribs and chicken recently, very...
  10. Boyd

    boydsmaps site/connectivity problems

    Thanks for checking that out, I appreciate it and you could be right. But why doesn't it affect NJPB ? Maybe because NJPB uses the Google API and I don't? Sorry, the decision is final and the NJGIN maps will be removed later today. Even if this is a mistake, it just highlights the problems with...
  11. Boyd

    boydsmaps site/connectivity problems

    FWIW, I remembered that Mapbox actually had an example of using an NJGIN map with their API. This used to work fine, but now it's also broken (only shows a basemap, should be the 2015 aerials). So, it seems I'm not the only one being blocked. Weird thing is, they haven't blocked NJPB Maps.
  12. Boyd

    boydsmaps site/connectivity problems

    Well, the NJGIN maps are still being blocked. Funny, I just updated the help file a few days ago and pointed out the difference between locally-hosted and remotely-hosted maps, explaining that boydsmaps will be focussing mainly on locally-hosted maps in the future. Did not plan to phase out the...
  13. Boyd

    boydsmaps site/connectivity problems

    It appears that none of the NJ State (NJGIN) maps are working this morning. Not sure when this problem began, I got an e-mail from another member about it a couple hours ago. Their servers appear to be fine, you can access their maps here with NJPB Maps and I can directly access their servers...
  14. Boyd

    Mystery UFO drone crash landed???

    I agree - everyone already knows that Eisenhower signed that treaty! :D
  15. Boyd

    Mystery UFO drone crash landed???

    Clearly, it's all for compliance with the treaty that Eisenhower signed with extraterrestrials in 1954. (You know... the one that allows them to abduct Americans in exchange for technology). :ninja:
  16. Boyd

    Mystery UFO drone crash landed???

    "I do have news directly from the president of the United States that was just shared with me in the Oval Office, from President Trump directly, an update on the New Jersey drones," Leavitt said. "After research and study, the drones that were flying over New Jersey in large numbers were...
  17. Boyd

    Downer & Willimstown Branch

    Very interesting... but I'm lost! A few map links might help.:) I'm somewhat familiar with that area but others may not be, since it's not really in the Pines. FWIW, this is where the tracks cross Fries Mill Road (County Route 655) at Downer which is somewhere near the location that this thread...
  18. Boyd

    Terrain viewer update coming

    I think it was @pinelandpaddler who requested this awhile ago but I was kind of cool on it (or was it somebody else? Sorry, can't find the thread). Anyway, was playing around with the terrain viewer recently, thinking "I wish I could zoom out farther!" :D Still some work to do, but it's...
  19. Boyd

    NJSSC's Wolf Mansion and Holly Farm
  20. Boyd

    NJSSC's Wolf Mansion and Holly Farm

    Ah, OK, I know about NJ Silica Sand but just never saw it abbreviated that way, sorry. Did they ever own the Holly Farm? I know that Atlantic City Electric owned it for a number of years. As I posted above, my data shows that it is now part of the Menantico Ponds Wildlife Management Area...