Search results

  1. PieONeer

    Legendary Lawmen of the Pines

    There was a passage in either John Mcphee's "The Pine Barrens" or Leo Coakley's "Jersey Troopers" that talked about how Ellis Parker once recruited a handful of pine barrens woodsman to guide him through the pines in search of a buried body, which they eventually found only because the sphagnum...
  2. PieONeer

    Park Rangers Vs. Park Police

    Hey all, I've seen a few threads talking about the park police and I've noticed that they don't seem to be held in the highest esteem, especially when compared to the old park rangers. The tone of the earlier posts seemed to portray the park police as being more punitive / concerned with...
  3. PieONeer

    Ong's Hat

    Was the old Apanay cafe the location of the actual "village" of Ong's Hat? Does anyone know if there are any remnants from the original "hut" in this area that can be seen?
  4. PieONeer

    Tunnel underneath NJ Turnpike

    In this thread someone mentioned a tunnel underneath the NJ Turnpike near Rancocas state park. According to the post the tunnel was big enough for trackers to drive through. Has anyone ever seen this? I hiked parallel to the turnpike from Westampton high school to the creek and passing the RC...
  5. PieONeer

    Help Identifying old cabin

    I found this article while doing an image search for Nash's cabin although I heard that cabin was long gone so this must not be it. Can anyone identify where in the pines this other cabin is? I would love to hike out there and see it myself...