Search results

  1. BenIsAlive

    Self guided plant,shrub, and tree trails

    can anyone name as many as they can self giuded trails with placards identifying plants anywhere in south jersey? I've seen the webs mill one, and recently found the one near blueberry hill in lindenwold. Would love to find and walk more of these especially in Camden, Gloucester, and Burlington...
  2. BenIsAlive

    What mammal would dig up sand over and over?

    habitat looked like this. very open canpopy area. probably a peraglacial dune. seems natural except for one fence post I found. very large area. digs look like this I would say in that area I found 15 digs like this ranging form these ones that look like big scrapes, to deep digs...
  3. BenIsAlive

    Need Plant IDs

    I'm trying to give my self a crash course in plants of the pine barrens. I am familiar with most common stuff. I went to a site and took pictures of everything I saw. The habitat i walked in was very upland, mostly open canopy.When it was closed canopy, the under story was dominated by...