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  1. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Erich Brunner - a friend, teacher of German in a Tom’s River high school, and avid photographer of the pine barrens - invited my participation in a zoom smartphone chat last evening with Dan Crabbe, Grandson of The late Ed Crabbe who developed the Double Trouble bogs that are now , despite being...
  2. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Here’s a map of the area where I best recollect working on a bog belonging to Joe Palmer (among others!) in the summer of 1960. My memory, faulty though it may be, says it was on the East bank of Wading River somewhere between charcoal landing and the hwy bridge across the river to the South. Is...
  3. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Well, it’s amazing how a fresh outlook help a search: here are a couple informative links (and an extract that includes info on Gossler, his niece and her husband (Joe Palmer) and the Pomona Fruit Co. they inherited from Gossler. I’d still love to pin down for certain where the bogs owned by Joe...
  4. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Hi, Oriental, it has been several years since we chatted here, but I am still stymied in trying to locate the bogs I thought belonged to Joe Palmer (Pomona Fruit Co) that I worked in the summer of 1960. You mentioned having found info on bogs owned by Goslrr ( Palmer’s father in law). Do you...
  5. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    I have a question. Does anyone here have any personal knowledge of a cranberry bog...or bogs... abandoned in the early 1960s? I am more than a little curious about the degree and rate of overgrowth by adjoining woodlands or lower vegetation that might obscure their identification as once active...
  6. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Abandoned Cranberry Packing house and bog at Double Trouble. A friend of mine from NJ (on a photgraphy forum) posted this image which I recognized as the packing house at the cranberry bogs at Double Trouble (where Joe Palmer sent his crew for both ditchwork and herbicide spraying in the summer...
  7. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Thaaaaat’s it! Thanks, Dave
  8. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Those fascinating “historic aerials” are exactly what have occupied much time of late! And I couldn’t agree more with that quote from Eagleman! In my ninth decade of life I am well aware of the difficulties encountered daily in separating documentably confirmable ,” hard-copy facts” of the...
  9. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    I do appreciate the effort, guys, but I’m still drawing a blank on seeing anything with the characteristics of “my lost bog”. I’m guessing that it was between 1/10 to 2/10 of a mile east of the bog to reach the right turn that took us south to the highway just E of the bridge across the river...
  10. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Ron and Rich, Is there a topo map accessible online that illustrates the bog you describe? I’d love to see it! Dave
  11. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Thanks, Boyd.
  12. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Hi, Rich, Thanks for the welcome back! re: my awareness of the proximity of...A river..just beyond the the bog’s riversid3 levee was the experience of having several times sought snakes in that strip of boggish ground beyond the levee. Yes, I’ve always had a the amateur herperologist’s tendency...
  13. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Boyd, That’s a fascinating series of aerial images. I’m impressed with the variations in water levels, and even va4iations in channel meanders, but, unfortunately, am also impressed with my clearly mistaken use of that road intersection just east of the bridge that I’ve long held in mind as my...
  14. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    These are specific accurate as m3mory permits...of some characteristics of what I have referred to as “Joe Palmer’s/Pomona’s Wading River bogs”, although I can’t recall specifically why I assumed Joe Palmer’s /Pomona Fruit’s ownership. two (three?) bogs, each longer than...
  15. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Well, at this point, I clearly share in the confusion. This area is, to the best of my memory, where I labored on a couple bogs when employed by Joe Palmer. Are these lines marking present land ownership? Do they indicate such during the 1960s? If so, the bogs I had thought were Joe’s clearly...
  16. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    It is a wetland on the East bank of the Wading river opposite the Pomona Fruit bogs of which Teegate posted an image. In trying to locate where a couple small bogs that Joe Palmer had me working on in the summer of ‘60 I was thinking there may be suggestions of the levees of abandoned bogs...
  17. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Teegate, Sorry to be slow about all this, but where would I find your email address?
  18. uuglypher

    Hi, Boyd, Is there an email address to which I could send an image? I may be seeing what I want...

    Hi, Boyd, Is there an email address to which I could send an image? I may be seeing what I want to see, but the image sent by Teegate of the address of some Pomona properties also displayed the east bank of the Wading river where I may be seeing suggestions of remnant levees of abandoned bogs.
  19. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Is there an email address to which I could send an image? Dave
  20. uuglypher

    History of NJ Cranberry industry?

    Sorry, Boyd, I get image files with a line through them,I hit post reply, but nothing goes through. what button do I click to “insert the full sized image” in my post?