Search results

  1. NJsurf68

    Heritage Minerals / "Crystal Lake"

    Can anyone provide current data on the Heritage Minerals/ "Crystal Lake" in Manchester? I found an article on the Nuclear Regulatory Commissions website that "In March 2005, HMI requested termination of its NRC license and release of the Heritage site for unrestricted use." Does anyone...
  2. NJsurf68

    Toms River Railroad

    From Wikipedia: Toms River Railroad was established in 1866 with a stop at the county seat of Toms River. The line was extended to Waretown in 1872 by the Toms River and Waretown RR Co. In 1881 the Central Railroad of New Jersey purchased the road and in 1893 the property was transferred to...
  3. NJsurf68

    Toms River Railroad

    Oh! That would explain alot. I always wondered why they put a railroad crossing at the site of the old Germania station when they widened Rt37. The track on both sides of 37 are covered with brush, and they look like they're ready to fall apart. I looked at Google Earth and it seems as if the...
  4. NJsurf68

    Toms River Railroad

    I did some exploring on my lunch hour today. Our business is located on Rt. 37 in Toms River. Behind us, there is a lake and a trail which leads to the old abandoned Toms River Railroad tracks. I brought my camera and took some photos. The ironic thing was the beautiful white duck...
  5. NJsurf68

    OC Parks "Ghost Town" Tour - Jan '08

    Wow! Great stuff. I'll be sure to pass it on. I'm fortunate enough to live in Toms River, so the Library, the Historical Society, and the OC Parks Dept. are all easily accessible. So far, I have 2 books on reserve at the library: "Forgotten Towns of Southern NJ" and "Ghost towns and other...
  6. NJsurf68

    OC Parks "Ghost Town" Tour - Jan '08

    Hi guys: Nice site you have here. Very informative too. I'm planning on taking the Ocean County Parks "Ghost Town of the Pine Barrens" tour in January '08. The winter newsletter states that the tour will include "the ruins of the Pasadena Terra Cotta Company". Is this the location you...