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    DEP Announces Virtual Public Meeting to Launch Wharton State Forest Visitor and Vehicle Use Survey

    Agreed. Stokes Road was a swamp between Hampton Road and the railroad tracks until they filled it in. It is now on the map. They will need to keep filling it in to keep it open. Bulldozed Road near Tuckerton Road gets really bad too. That road is on the map. They will need to keep filling it...
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    DEP Announces Virtual Public Meeting to Launch Wharton State Forest Visitor and Vehicle Use Survey

    This map is nuts. So if you were to park on any of the countless high, dry, safe, accessible roads that are are not appearling on the map to hike, hunt or fish, should you expect a ticket when you get back to your car?
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    DEP Announces Virtual Public Meeting to Launch Wharton State Forest Visitor and Vehicle Use Survey
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    "State Natural Area"

    Thank you!
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    "State Natural Area"

    Anyone have a link to DEP rules and regs for "State Natural Area?" I was curious about the significance of this designation. I googled with no success. You can still see the remains of the old Wharton State forest sign.
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    The MAP is back

    Does anyone have a link to this new map? I could not find.