Search results

  1. G

    NJSSC's Wolf Mansion and Holly Farm

    Sorry. My understanding is that is belonged to the descendents of the owner of NJ Silica Sand Co. (NJSSC) Is the Holly Farm and mansion public land now? Last Pic I saw it looked trashed. Dirt bikes backed up to is slinging mud right onto the mansion. Can one visit site? Thanks..
  2. G

    NJSSC's Wolf Mansion and Holly Farm

    Hi All, What is going on at this unique mansion from NJSSC owner's descendants? Did NJ buy the land? Is it public? The mansion and Holly farm is probably slowly getting destroyed. When will they or are they going to even preserve it?
  3. G

    Mystery UFO drone crash landed???

    Duly noted sir... Will post pics IF any, from this wild goose chase.
  4. G

    Mystery UFO drone crash landed???

    For giggles... We are going to hang out in the Barrens w powerful spotlights later on to try and spot one of these flying critters. *Supposedly* they like to appear between 530pm-11pm. Down South, we would have blown them out of the sky by now. Lol.
  5. G

    Mystery UFO drone crash landed???

    I heard one crash landed in the Pines around Lebanon State and the NJSP is searching for it.
  6. G

    Mystery UFO drone crash landed???

    Supposed mystery drone flying all over Jersey has crashed by Lebanon State recently or today? Today is Dec. 7th, 2024.
  7. G

    Old Foundry Water Tower Ruins??

    My buddy and I were freaked a little because of slight metallic taste in our mouths after we left. I wouldn't recommend anyone venture back there. Like you said. What else is there? Lead, asbestos? I hope not. We'll stick to the older sites like ROG that we also visited that same day. We have...
  8. G

    Old Foundry Water Tower Ruins??

    Thank you kindly for the DEP info. Will come in handy. We are fine for now. Just spooked by all this.
  9. G

    Old Foundry Water Tower Ruins??

    So is this site considered a superfund site? Is it a toxic area? Is zinc in unhealthy amounts there? Didn't see private property signs. But will never go back. Was there very briefly and walked around then left. Thanks for any info.
  10. G

    Old Foundry Water Tower Ruins??

    We visited site. Briefly. Have aftertaste in our mouths. Is site dangerous?
  11. G

    Old Foundry Water Tower Ruins??

    Thanks. But is it dangerous??
  12. G

    Old Foundry Water Tower Ruins??

    Thanks. Is it dangerous to visit? Zinc smelting? Superfund site? I hope not...
  13. G

    Old Foundry Water Tower Ruins??

    Found by accident. A 1950's foundry operation? Off Rt, 72 and Savoy Blvd in Woodland. Historic aerials show bunch of large bldgs and water tower is still there. The Central NJ rail tracks also connects to it. Any info? Thanks..
  14. G

    Where is Red Oak Grove?

    Hi All, I drove to where Google maps said Red Oak Grove is supposed to be? Off Rt. 72, where junk yard is. Then go up a ways on Clay Mine Road. Upon arrival thru large puddle holes in drizzling rain. I arrived at the Google map site, where Clay Mine splits sorta with Red Oak Grove Rd. Saw some...