1990's Mid-Atlantic aerials incoming


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Similar to the recently expanded 1930's aerials, I thought it would be nice to make a large version of the 1995 aerials. The interesting thing (unlike the 1930 aerials) is that these are part of the NAPP (National Aerial Photography Program) and versions are available for many other states. Took quite a bit of detective work but I eventually found similar datasets for NY, PA, CT, RI, MA, DE and MD from the period 1990-96. Some imagery was black and white, others were color and some were infrared. I converted them all to grayscale for consistency. Processed at 4 foot resolution which is as good as or better than most of the source imagery.

The coverage area is shown below, in the future I'd like to expand it to the full Northeast US. But this is already a heavy lift, so that will have to wait awhile. Was a challenge to fit together all the jigsaw puzzle pieces without any gaps, but just began exporting the full resolution composite, it's gonna take around 48 hours to process (finished file size around 200gb :ninja: ). After that I need to create map tiles, package them up, transfer to the server and install. Still a long road to travel, but with a bit of luck, they'll be online later this week. :)

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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I uploaded the new map last night and installation is currently underway, it should be available later today. I think the new server is "beefy" enough that there won't be a noticeable performance hit while this is in progress. Will post again when it's ready!


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
The new map is now online; it replaces the old South NJ 1995 BW Aerials.

Screen Shot 2024-10-30 at 5.03.23 PM.png

Any links to that old map should now put up an alert and take you to the new map. Have to look a little closer at my old code, but I *think* the old 1995 aerials will be automatically removed if you have them in your favorites and you will have to add the new ones manually.

For information about the imagery and the dates of acquisition, click the mapinfo button.

Screen Shot 2024-10-30 at 5.07.15 PM.png

Here are a couple test links.

The particle accelerator(?) at Brookhaven National Laboratories

Screen Shot 2024-10-30 at 4.53.52 PM.png

I was actually thinking of this as a candidate for "Where is this" but will just post it here instead. Before switching to a different map.... where is this? :)


Screen Shot 2024-10-30 at 4.56.55 PM.png

With the new map name, I suspect this update is going to create some cache problems for people.... sorry. This article explains how to clear your cache with a number of popular browsers. No easy way to do this on a phone however. If you installed the app on your homescreen, you may need to delete it and re-install.

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