8mm films 2 dvd


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
In a real pickle here...found out no more 8mm video camcorders being made any longer. So what do we do with all the 8mm films? My son has about 8 films he wants to put on dvds. His old camcorder is broke. We went to Best Buy and Circut City. Only Circut City is able to put the 8mm on dvd for $21 a peice and only if they are high def. and not digital. My son went and put lables over that info on each 8mm film he has. I hope if I take the film to C.C. they will be able to tell the difference. Someone told me it makes no difference if the film is high def or not. I am comfused here and wish there was some easier way to convert these films to dvd. Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Jan 2, 2003
I'm not sure if you're talking about tape or film.

I had several thousand feet of 8mm film transfered to DVD by Tailor-Made. The Camera Stop in Medford handeled it for me. A very nice job complete with music.

As for 8mm tape of the camcorder variety, or any video source that can play on a TV, I copy them myself on a Sony DVD recorder. We don't use VCR's anymore so I got the DVD recorder. The DVD-R's seem to be the standard. I use DVD-RW (read/write) for recording TV shows.



If your talking 8mm camcorders, you can pick up a used 8mm of Hi-8 cam on ebay relatively cheaply. Then either get an analog to firewire converter and capture to your own PC (I use a ADs Pyro unit) and burn them yourself,(this gives you the option of editing, adding titles etc) or pick up a DVD recorder and copy directly to DVD yourself.(no editing, titles etc).

Or you could find someone so equipped to do it for you.


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
I will look in the phone book tonigh for the camera stop, thanks. I'll let you know how I made out.[

QUOTE=ecampbell;46401]I'm not sure if you're talking about tape or film.
I had several thousand feet of 8mm film transfered to DVD by Tailor-Made. The Camera Stop in Medford handeled it for me. A very nice job complete with music.

As for 8mm tape of the camcorder variety, or any video source that can play on a TV, I copy them myself on a Sony DVD recorder. We don't use VCR's anymore so I got the DVD recorder. The DVD-R's seem to be the standard. I use DVD-RW (read/write) for recording TV shows.



Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
Do not know what a analog to firewire converter is. Where would I get it?

If your talking 8mm camcorders, you can pick up a used 8mm of Hi-8 cam on ebay relatively cheaply. Then either get an analog to firewire converter and capture to your own PC (I use a ADs Pyro unit) and burn them yourself,(this gives you the option of editing, adding titles etc) or pick up a DVD recorder and copy directly to DVD yourself.(no editing, titles etc).

Or you could find someone so equipped to do it for you.


Jan 2, 2003
Camera Stop TV Audio & Video

856-983-5676 Fax: 856-983-9126 216 Tuckerton Rd, Medford, NJ 08055

The red X marks the spot


I will look in the phone book tonigh for the camera stop, thanks. I'll let you know how I made out.[

QUOTE=ecampbell;46401]I'm not sure if you're talking about tape or film.
I had several thousand feet of 8mm film transfered to DVD by Tailor-Made. The Camera Stop in Medford handeled it for me. A very nice job complete with music.

As for 8mm tape of the camcorder variety, or any video source that can play on a TV, I copy them myself on a Sony DVD recorder. We don't use VCR's anymore so I got the DVD recorder. The DVD-R's seem to be the standard. I use DVD-RW (read/write) for recording TV shows.



Jan 2, 2003
I need to upgrade from a standalone DVD recorder to a computer so I can edit and have a menu. Can you recommend a platform and software? What is the state of DVD recording now WRT HDTV, HI Def, etc? When I buy something I don't want it to obsoleted too quickly.

Thanks, Ed

this is the one I use

I got mine with out the Adobe software as I didn't need it.


One of the easiest NLE is Sony Vegas, I would suggest the Sony Vegas Studio Platinum its limited,(2 video tracks and 2 audio tracks If I remember correctly) but still have a lot of functionality.It comes bundled with DVD architect.

YOu can download a trial version at sonymediasoftware.com

I edit on Avid and also use Sony Vegas Pro 6 ( just started with that but I find myself defaulting to it for many things).

As for shelf life, things today are obsolete as soon as you take them off the shelf.