Wow, over 103 at -5! I guess I can stop complaing about how cold it is here. I love that place. I've been up there a numer of times hiking, driving, and taking the cog railway. I want to plan a trip up there on my motorcycle this summer and I hope to ride up on that. I think they have regulations on weather so I'll have to check that out first. Jigger Johnson State Campground seems like a nice place to stay and Bears Notch Rd. is a fun drive in a car, let alone on a cycle. My family used to go up there every year and most of the time we would stay at Lost River Campground near Lincoln. That has to be one of the nicest non-state campgrounds up there. An older couple used to own it and they were super nice. Everything up there is just to pretty it's unbelievable. Probably tough in the winter though!