The photo above is from Google Earth. This land is in Calverton, and would be a great hiking and nature opportunity. Sadly, only the southeastern corner (from Scuttle Hole on south) is available for the public to enjoy.
The DEC owns that small piece of land, however, the larger area, including Deep Pond, is mostly off limits to the public. It is owned by the Boy Scouts and is known as the Schiff camp. The land is mainly undeveloped, save for a few small cabins.
Deep Pond is one of the largest Kettle lakes on Long Island and has significant geologic importance. The DEC states on their website
that access is only allowed for fishing boats. Hikers are not allowed to see the pond. It is complete and utter nonsense.
Here on Long Island there is so much land that people are not allowed to see, it's bad enough DEC lands and some state parks require permits (although free).
We have just gotten a new Governor in New York, Elliot Spitzer, and I will be writing him to recommend changes.
Hikers should not have to get permits for land access. It discourages people from enjoying the park, and ties up park police with enforcing these nonsense rules, instead of focusing on the illegal dumping and ATV damage.
Also the state should purchase the Schiff lands from the Boy Scouts so the public can finally access this beautiful land, the Boy Scouts would rent the cabins from the state, so they will still be able to use the property.
But until then, those of us who want to visit Deep Pond, face signs like these!
Do you think they'd really throw me in jail? :cry: