Air Quality Alert for South Jersey In Effect

Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ

July 11, 2011

Air Quality Alert for South Jersey Area in effect until 10 PM

Image by chego101 via Flickr​
Air quality alert in effect until 10 PM EDT this evening...

The New Jersey department of environmental protection has issued an
air quality health advisory... in effect until 10 PM EDT this

An air quality advisory means that air quality within the region may
approach or exceed unhealthy standards.

For more information on current and forecast concentrations of
ground-level ozone and fine particulates, visit on the web at
www.Airnow.Gov or www.State.NJ.US/dep/airmon/ (in lower case) or
call the New Jersey Bureau of air monitoring at 609-292-0138 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 609-292-0138 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
This is not news. If you just visit the NWS site, it displays these on the map. I have seen them in effect as often as 4 days every week recently. And when we don't have an air quality alert here, they are usually shown in an adjacent area. Pretty typical for this time of year, unfortunately.

Look at the ugly grey area on the NWS map here (and if you go outside, try not to breathe too often :D):


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Nothing wrong with you post - just pointing out that the air quality has been pretty terrible all summer. Today is the second or third day of a continuing alert that spreads all the way from Long Island down through Washington, including the whole state of New Jersey. Evidently the economy is still good enough to keep all the factories working and gas hasn't gotten too expensive to keep people from driving their cars. You would need to go almost as far east as Reading to get out of the alert zone today. :eek: