Audubon Society says log, burn Pine Barrens

So they want to make it more natural by cutting and setting fires? Sounds un-natural to me. If a lightning strike starts a fire maybe they can let it burn. That would be natual.
The way I see it, if things are left alone nature will make it natural.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
So they want to make it more natural by cutting and setting fires? Sounds un-natural to me. If a lightning strike starts a fire maybe they can let it burn. That would be natual.
The way I see it, if things are left alone nature will make it natural.



I agree Steve. The forest service is overblown and too big for its britches. They want to stomp out every fire. I don't think setting controlled burns works either unless you set them on a hot dry day and let them really burn with intensity. Fact is, during the 1995 fire, our salvation in Bamber came from local fire companys who really ensured we were safe. Not the fire service. They were probably bulldozing things in the middle of the woods; a totally useless practice.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
American Indians and colonial settlers set forest fires to improve the woodlands’ diversity

That's funny, I always thought that the Indians and settlers burned the woods to drive the game out where they could catch them in order to provide their families with food...


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I have always been a strong advocate of leaving things alone and letting nature take it's course but I must admit I can see the argument for fire.

1)wild fires are estingished quickly
2)controlled burns compensate for this, safely, with less fauna death.
3)the down side is that controlled burns are not as hot and not as frequent.

I don't know how much the heat is a factor, as long as the pitch pine cones open, it should be hot enough. I think in most cases it is. Maybe you know otherwise Bob.

As for clear cutting...i don't know, seems like an excuse for the state to make $ in issuing permits to loggers.

I am more than happy to consider differing opinions on the matter.
