Batsto Lake and River


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
New Jersey
Okay, time to stop lurking in the shadow of the pine trees... This trip was not particularly spectacular, but I am posting it because I am now getting out on the water with a new Perception Sports Rhythm10 kayak. And I am interested in exploring other things besides old ruins, especially this time of year when chiggers are active.

I drove down to Batsto Village, a place I have not visited in probably 30 years or more. The place was practically deserted. I did a quick walk through of the grist mill and general store before heading over to the canoe launch.


I found that Batsto Lake, though choked with grasses at the upper end is easier to navigate than Harrisonville Lake. It is just as beautiful.


Brown ducks. I was lucky to rip off 4 shots on the SLR before they took off. Typically when I'm walking around Friendship bogs the mallard ducks take off long before I even get close. Trying to take photos of them is futile.


As I made my way up the Batsto River, I began spotting turtles everywhere. Some of them where quite large. Most of them didn't appreciate me getting too close to snap their picture.


Just sheer beauty out on this river... I had the entire lake and river to myself. It was utterly quiet and peaceful.


Three of them were sunning themselves on this tree. I figured out quickly that once one of their legs moved they were ready to plunge into the water.


And the two smaller ones did. This guy couldn't get away fast enough, so I was able to get in close before he jumped in.


Same ducks. They refused to stay put for a second close up.


Self-portrait. I was fooling around with the cell phone.

I am interested in getting in as many weekends and some days off as possible before the cold weather sets in. If anyone is interested getting together to do a trip on any waterway out in the Pine Barrens, on the Rancocas or Mullica River, please let me know. Thanks.