BIG spider


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
This guy was hanging out on the window screen this morning. I put the tape measure in the photo for some sense of scale, but it wasn't tight against the screen so it isn't quite accurate. I measured the spider from the tip of its front legs to the tip of its back legs and it was 4 inches total. Sorry for the bad cellphone picture.

This thing looks mean, but hopefully it's harmless. Nevertheless, I wouldn't want to wake up with it crawling across me. :) I have seen several of these starting about a year ago, always hanging out on a window screen (good hunting for bugs I guess?). Never saw one before I moved down to Atlantic County.


Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
When I'm hiking after dark in Nov-Dec in the pines, I see those spiders (wolf spiders? - not sure) Their eyes light up a flourescent blue color when the light from my headlamp hits them. It looks pretty cool when there's bunch of them on the ground in front of me.