Bobcat tracks


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Jeff, sometimes they don't trigger, you may have set it too high. I normally set mine real low to the ground and otters have triggered it. I learned this through trial and error. But I did have a similar expierience were I had deer tracks all around my camera but no deer. I had my camera out this year for the entire month of august and got nothing on it, seemed odd.

Yeah I've noticed this also, and I have had bait taken with no shots. However, in the great swamp, the bait was never touched.

Nov 18, 2008
Erial, NJ
i heard some years back that a family opf bobcats once lived in haas pit at forked neck and carranza. I don't know whether to believe that or not. I guess its possible due to the rocky conditions and it being a hilly like area even the surrounding woods are somewhat hill like. Anyone else ever hear about this

About three years ago, I was driving on Carranza Rd. and a Bobcat crossed right in front of me. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I even backed up and and caught a better look before it bolted. It was greyish black, larger than a normal cat, and I was close enough to see the fur curled on its ears. Even though I was in my car I was kinda freaked out that it was still standing there looking at me when I backed up. I wish I had enough time to snap a picture.