"Boomerang Birds" ??

I've noticed with blackbirds, it's very common for a perfectly capable juvenile to ignore food at its feet, in favor of pestering Mommy (I guess) until she feeds him.

I had not noticed Robins (some, anyway) do the same thing.

There is a "boomerang" robin in my back yard -full fledged and ready to roll-perfectly capable of finding its own food and scarfing it down---as long as "Mommy" is not in sight.

The minute Mommy starts eating, Little Boo comes flittering and fluttering up. I can't hear either bird,but imagine Boo is screaming: "Mommy ! I'm hungry !! Feed me ! Feed me !!"

Mommy flies away - and little Boo follows -at a distance ; just waiting for her to alight again.

I'm not sure whether it is comforting to know Birds have the same problems as Humans do.
There were some developments during the week that followed this post. For starters, one day, the parents flew away-leaving poor little Boomerang all on his own.

He flew all over the yard-apparently looking for them, then perched on top of the fence -squawking - and shaking like a dog ---Ummm... like a dog relieving itself.

After about 4 hours of this, he got hungry enough to start searching for his own food. I wondered if he would make it, because he would break off his food gathering to fly around the yard every so often-apparently searching for the parental units.

He seems to have settled in now, and may survive.....to become a parent with boomerang children.