thanks for the report Bill. I think i recall reading in "the pine barrens" by John McPhee that Bill Wasovich said he once relocated to the pine barrens of south Carolina, but only stayed for a short while. I recall hearing of this area also as being very similar to the NJ pine barrens, but it is clear from your report and excellent photos that that is probably not the case. How large in acres is this area?
Time for me to re-read McPhee's barren book. It's been years.
(BTW, I think McPhee is the most gifted writer on the planet.)
I was in another park during the trip, Jeff -- Lee's State Park -- walking a short nature trail; one would have thought he was in the heart of Wharton. Some of the few areas I saw were very simlilar to NJ, others not. Dead giveaways revealing the latter are the rather steady tilt to the topography (especially in the Sandhills) and the lack of a single pitch pine (at least to this eye).
The Sandhills are extremely diverse, and I'm afraid the photos above and in my bank here represent the area's most exotic in comparison to home. I guess my camera was drawn to the "differences."
The acreage quantity of the Sandhills Refuge is 46,000. I spent only one day there. As Arnie was famous for saying, "I'll be back."