Clicker bug


New Member
May 17, 2004
I remember my friends and I used to always find these bugs when we went camping that we called clicker bugs. One was on my deck yesterday and, once again, I wondered what kind of bug they really are.
They are brown and look beetleish. There are two segments (I think) and the whole bug is sort of oblong. Here's the neat part, if you put them on thier backs, they "click" the two shell sections together and flip back. If you hold their bottom half (or vice versa) they just keep clicking.
Neat bugs, but what are they?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
shoobie said:
I remember my friends and I used to always find these bugs when we went camping that we called clicker bugs. One was on my deck yesterday and, once again, I wondered what kind of bug they really are.
They are brown and look beetleish. There are two segments (I think) and the whole bug is sort of oblong. Here's the neat part, if you put them on thier backs, they "click" the two shell sections together and flip back. If you hold their bottom half (or vice versa) they just keep clicking.
Neat bugs, but what are they?

They are Click Beetles.

Page 346, Field Guide to the Pine Barrens, by Howard Boyd.