Could Bobpbx Be The Reason ?


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Today in work I was checking on the status of a few applications I have on file with the Pinelands Commission and on their homepage I found this newsworthy article. files/press/PR_RoadsidePlantsPractices.pdf

I can't help but wonder if Bob was not a little bit of the impetus for this study and resulting BMP's that came of it.
I remember that Bob was very concerned with this topic and even more concerned with the use of recycled shit as roadside top dressing. I think he may have written the Commission on the topic in the past.

I am sure Bob will fill in the blanks and/or correct my recollections.



Jan 3, 2010
collings lakes
this was a very interesting read! and one near and dear to me.

in the past 2 years I have seen more wild flowers blooming along the Rt 322 in Atlantic county than I have in I can't say how long. Here it might be due to budge cuts keeping the state or county from mowing on a regular basis.

On a note a little closer to "home". Last March while walking the dog along our local beach I found the area covered in Lance Leaf Violas. Later in the season there St john's Worts, Buttonbush, Meadow Beauty and Maryland Meadow Beauty, various Asters, Yellow Eyed Grass and in September the highlight of the season..Ladies Tresses. I haven't seen the beach blooming up close for along time and was thrilled to see these a short walk from home. Then some one mowed the "weeds".

While I know that these are all common Pine Barrens flowers they really are uncommon here. I contaced a member of our local civic association to see if I can get them to hold off mowing until late in October. I am waiting either a call back or an email.

In the mean time, I am keeping a diary of "What's blooming on the Beach". Weekly I take a walk with my camera to see what's in bloom. This year there were, besides the Violas, Yellow Flag, Toad Flax, Frostweed, Pine Barrens Sandwort, Evening Primrose, and Ipecac. Last week the moss was blooming and the area was covered in Sundews. Today I stopped and was thrilled to see Blue Flags (haven't seen these here since I was a kid) and a Button Bush in bud.

Again, while I know these are common, they are truely a rare sight here. One we may lose to somebody's idea to tidy up the place....

thanks for the thread!!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Thanks for the memories!

Yes, myself and a couple others, including Ted Gordon and Howard Boyd and Russ Juelg have been very vocal in this area. PPA did a great job in taking our complaints and really moving them into the documents in effect today. Russ in particular, and Theresa Lettman from Pinelands Preservation Alliance (PPA) were the true movers of the policy and practices. Thanks go to all!