Daylight savings time


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Sure seems weird for the sun to be up until 7:00 PM, like winter came to an abrupt end. It's all good though.

Yesterday I was on an international flight from Europe to Newark when the change happened. I had set my watch for Eastern time when we left - I always set my time to the destination when I get on a plane. Didn't give it a second thought until the pilot came on the PA system to announce our arrival time. Then I looked at my watch and thought "Wow, we're going to get in really early".

Got in the car, punched my home into the GPS and headed down the turnpike. My watch and car clock said about 9:30 and the trip takes around 2 hours. But the GPS was showing a 12:30 arrival. I was scratching my head, thinking Garmin's routing was really messed up. Then I remembered the time change. :)
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