Decoy Show


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
The Ocean County Decoy & Gunning Show will be held this weekend (Sept 26 & 27) at Tip Seaman County Park in Tuckerton. Even if you are not a waterfowler or decoy collector, there will other outdoor equipment you might be interested in being sold by vendors. There are also two new kayak vendors this year who will offer opportunities to test paddle.

If you come, park at the Tuckerton Seaport and walk over or take the free shuttle bus from the Seaport or Pinelands High School. All of the limited parking in the park is taken up by vendors, volunteers and those with handicapped tags.
always love going to this event. Unless you're really early though, I would suggest just parking at the high school and taking the free shuttle, bypassing all the people crowding the street and the surely no spots at the Tuckerton Seaport.
Hope everyone has a great time.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
If anyone went today they were in for a mini Woodstock.
The entire place turned into a mud pit brought on by the recent "improvements" including paved parking areas, additional paved roadways into the park and a Taj Mahal restroom facility. Most people were not willing to wade through 6"-9" of slop.
There is no curb on the easterly side of the paved access road and last night's and this morning's rainfalls rolled out of the some of the new impervious paved surfaces and through the vendor areas like a river.
I talked to one mightily pissed off vendor who had been there 27 years running and he never saw anything like it. There have been plenty of rain days for this event including last year on Sunday. Last year it was completely passable even during the rain.

The site engineering is horrendous and Ocean County needs to revist their grading and drainage design.
I saw inlets at high points in the driveway that were as useless as teats on a bull
and total quagmires 5' away from inlets in the grass that were completely out of the path of runoff.

I got there at 2:45 today and was very disappointed to see the vendors packing it in at 3 when it was supposed to run till 4.
One of the tents had a trough dug through the middle to allow water to run through the tent.

A little bad weather shouldn't create site conditions that turn away vendors and crowds from an event centered around hunting waterfowl, which in and of itself involves a lot of inclement weather.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
I got there around 3:30pm Saturday. All the food vendors, save one, were already closed. It wasn't very crowded and I can't imagine the vendors did very well. I didn't see anybody walking out of there with decoys or any substantial purchases.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
My office runs this show, although we are not in charge of this particular park. The conditions were pretty horrendous. Several vendors’ vehicles became stuck, including one Ford Explorer that had the front corner sunk up to the top of the tire in mud, requiring us to bring the front end loader over to pull it out. The grading and drainage work done by the contactor certainly needs to be re-examined although part of the problem was related to the grading work being completed only a few weeks before the show. The grass seed was only beginning to germinate and many areas were entirely bare earth.

As far as the venders are concerned, I received mixed reports. At least three told me that they did so well on Saturday that they did not plan on returning the next day, since they had virtually nothing left to sell. One boat dealer was particularly amazed and thrilled since he normally is happy to sell only one or two boats at the show and sold all six of the ones he brought on Saturday. Several vendors told me they did well on Sunday too. This didn’t surprise me since we have a history of bad weather for this show, including hurricanes, and the bad weather years have never coincided with bad selling years for the vendors. Waterfowlers are a pretty hardy bunch and not easily phased by rain and mud. When the conditions at the show are bad the numbers of public go down but the percentage of them who are serious and there to spend money goes up. The casual browsers of the type who also visit the cranberry festival are the ones who stay home. No great loss for the vendors.
A few of the unhappy vendors were ones who were at the park for the first time, having been relocated from the high school when we decided to not use that site as a show venue this year. It obviously wasn’t the best first impression for them. But several ex-high school vendors told me they did well and would not go back to the high school if it was even offered again. The retrieving, shooting and decoy competitions have always made that site the heart of the show, drawing the biggest numbers of serious visitors.

So, it was indeed a muddy mess, resembling the conditions at Woodstock, but by most accounts of Woodstock that I’ve heard, that was considered a pretty successful event as well.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I was very disappointed in the early bailout of the vendors more than anything.
I have been going down there for over twenty years and my kids have taken aprt in the sneak box shooting many times.

I have not been able to get to the show until late Sunday for the last two years in a row. Both times, 3 o'clock seems to be the unofficial quitting time, whereas the advertied hours were until 5:00 p.m.

I drove like a nut to get there by 2:45 and as I said earlier, vendors were bailing then.
By 3:30 it was a mass exodus.
I had several things I wanted to buy but I wasn't even able to get a look-see before stuff was in boxes.

I think a friendly reminder to the vendors that this is a two day show and 5 o'clock means 5 o'clock is in order.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I was very disappointed in the early bailout of the vendors more than anything.
I have been going down there for over twenty years and my kids have taken aprt in the sneak box shooting many times.

I have not been able to get to the show until late Sunday for the last two years in a row. Both times, 3 o'clock seems to be the unofficial quitting time, whereas the advertied hours were until 5:00 p.m.

I drove like a nut to get there by 2:45 and as I said earlier, vendors were bailing then.
By 3:30 it was a mass exodus.
I had several things I wanted to buy but I wasn't even able to get a look-see before stuff was in boxes.

I think a friendly reminder to the vendors that this is a two day show and 5 o'clock means 5 o'clock is in order.

I agree totally with you on this. We do have a policy stating vendors should remain for the duration of the show. This year was unusual because towards the end of the day on Sunday many of the walkways in front of vendor rows were virtually impassable for walkers. Vendors had very few customers walking by and many did leave early. Many of them come from several states away, with several coming from Canada, and while it was against show policy I understand their motives in this year’s case. The other problem is that by 2:30 most of the staff are either involved with the gathering and return of carving contest entries, tabulating contest results, and preparing and conducting the awards ceremony. By that time it is difficult to deal with vendor issues. We do re-write the vendor confirmation letter every few years and this policy certainly bears emphasizing.
Was there briefly on Saturday in the am and seemed to be a very nice crowd and seemed bigger than last year (since the high school vendors where moved to the park I suppose). Planned to spend more time on Sunday, getting there close to 12pm, but not much was left, or easily accessible. Oh well, see how it works out next year.


Mar 9, 2007
The estimate was 20,000 in atteddance on Sat.It looked like Atlantic City in the middle of July.We had a table at the show.We were the New Jersey Quail Project.We sold nothing,only gave a Quail button for a donation to help the cause.Got there 7 a.m. Sun.Rained till 1 p.m..Broke down our table at 3;30.Others were long gone.Could not get a truck to our site.Had to carry everything to the parking lot.Sorry for the inconvience to those the showed up late.It was a