Delays in cleaning Forsythe could lead to environmental problems


Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
Delays in cleaning up Hurricane Sandy debris at the Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge could create environmental problems there, a Rutgers University scientist said.
Household chemicals have been found during an ongoing Fish and Wildlife Service-funded cleanup there. The cleanup was expected to have been finished by now, but will not be completed until at least the fall, said refuge Manager Virginia Rettig.
Rettig said cleaning agents like window cleaner and bleach, have been found already. Other chemicals that have been found on the refuge include: solvents, paints and stains; paint strippers, weed killers and insecticides.
Several weeks of work were lost due to severe, winter weather and the volume of debris along with the need to handpick it to remove it, will take more time than was originally anticipated, she said.