There are several layers to the history of the Dover Forge area. From the Cedar creek end of the Dover Forge trail where the remain of the old bridge that crossed the water, following the path out to Bamber, to the actual forge area, where the soil is as black as coal in spots near the mill race. There are bits of concrete in the former village area and some ruts connecting some building outlines in the tall grass. Mazes of trails that crisscross the surroundings, combining with firebreaks and muddy wallows. It's a great way to spend an afternoon in the woods.
Along one wet trail that parallels the river some foundation remains can be found.
It appears on 1930 aerial photos and Boyd's maps mark it as a large, oval depression on the 2022 LIDAR.
Was this building from the cranberry farm?

Along one wet trail that parallels the river some foundation remains can be found.
It appears on 1930 aerial photos and Boyd's maps mark it as a large, oval depression on the 2022 LIDAR.
Was this building from the cranberry farm?