Earth Axis Shift


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I have been reading articles claiming the lastest quake in Japan has shifted the earth on it's axis by as much as 16 ft.So does this affect my GPS accuracy?I still managed to hone in on a couple stones last week after the quake.I find it hard to believe that my machine put me right on top of two nearly buried stones with an axis shift of 16 ft.That would have moved the earth under the satellites and accordingly put me in the wrong place.You say sixteen feet isn't much?Try finding a buried stone under leaf duff that is within a radius of 16 ft.thats a 32 ft diameter circle because you don't know which way.My gps is normally only working at an accuracy of 16 ft anyway so now double that by 2.32 ft accuracy because of axis shift.64 ft diameter circle,now you see what that axis shift can do to Guy and I?I think if my next stone hunting venture is a smashing sucess I will declare their axis shift stories bunk.


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I read that it shifted by something like 6 inches, not 16 feet, but really haven't followed it myself. This article addresses the issue:

Despite the Earth's post-earthquake figure axial shift of 6.5 inches, the orbits of the satellites wheeling overhead our planet were not significantly affected, experts said.

The figure axis is an imaginary line around which the Earth's mass is balanced. As a result of the earthquake, the planet became a bit more compact. This change in the distribution of the Earth's mass has sped up the rotation of the planet such that a day is 1.8 microseconds shorter than before the quake, and the planet will wobble a bit differently.

But according to a press release from Richard Gross, a research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Earth's figure axis varies by about 1 meter (3.3 feet) over the course of a year — much more than the temblor's influence.

"The change to the figure axis of the Earth from the quake was about six times less than its annual variation due to atmospheric and ocean mass movements," Borsa said, adding that GPS is equipped to handle these sorts of natural whims.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I read that it shifted by something like 6 inches, not 16 feet, but really haven't followed it myself. This article addresses the issue:

I lost this thread under the quarter mile stuff.This is good to know the axis shift should not loos the hundreds of stones in my massive stone file.Some of them to lose by a few feet is to lose them for good since their buried:)
Isaiah 24:20 *The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Now you got the area under my hat percolating! My first thought is that maybe the satellites determine the lat/lon of a certain spot by measuring is relation to a home station which also moved with the axis shift? Whatever the answer is I think having an event powerful enough to actually move the Earth in such a manner is absolutely amazing and scary!


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Now you got the area under my hat percolating! My first thought is that maybe the satellites determine the lat/lon of a certain spot by measuring is relation to a home station which also moved with the axis shift? Whatever the answer is I think having an event powerful enough to actually move the Earth in such a manner is absolutely amazing and scary!

Well the earth wobbles with Precession anyway,like a top loosing speed.This causes the stars,to all change position in relation to the poles over very long periods of time.In the next few centuiries Polaris will be moving even closer to the pole then it is now but centuries ago Thuban in Draco was the pole star so we are already wobbling.Just how much an earthquake can effect that remains to be seen.

Isaiah 24:20 *The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.