With school and work out and my summer job not yet clobbering me, I've been trying to catch up on my reading. I've gotten through the first hundred and fifty pages of <i>Heart of the Pines</i> (with large amounts of other sections of the book read as I saw topics that jumped out at me) and I'm about ready to start on the new book on Brotherton.<p>
Anyway, what's your favorite book on South Jersey history?<p>
I've read a good many, but I think mine is still the first one I read, <i>Forgotten Towns of Southern New Jersey</i>. No one I've read can do it as well as Beck, even if he strays off the historically accurate path once in a while...
Anyway, what's your favorite book on South Jersey history?<p>
I've read a good many, but I think mine is still the first one I read, <i>Forgotten Towns of Southern New Jersey</i>. No one I've read can do it as well as Beck, even if he strays off the historically accurate path once in a while...