First Trip of Season


New Member
Mar 23, 2006
Cherry Hill, NJ

First, very nice site with some great photos, history, etc.

I'm new to this site and this is my first post.... be gentle:)

First a little about me and my experience. 34 years old, not great shape but working on it. I've camped in the pines a fair number of times over the years (love the peace and quiet) and last year finally combined hiking with camping.

I learned a lot from that hike like:

1. ~12 miles (Batsto to Batona camp) was a bit far for 1st hike.

2. Brought way too much food/clothes

3. Even with appropriate clothes and DEET, ticks found ways to get on me.

So, with that said I'm thinking of hiking from Batsto to Lower Forge (or something of comparable distance - suggestions welcomed).

I was curious if the ticks were out yet this season? Also, does anyone use Permethrin solution (sp?) and does it work well?

Thank you,


Jan 13, 2006
Spring hike

Welcome to the site.

Batsto to Lower Forge is a nice hike. Along the cedar swamps is really a pleasant walk. I've done it before, in May or June. The swim at Lower Forge was a good way to end a hike. Water's a bit cold now though! I would also be interested in knowing if Permithrin (is this the correct name?) works. I had Lymes once, that was plenty for me. Ticks become active at around 50 deg, but they can come out when it's colder if it's not windy and the sun warms up the ground. Once it warms up, I don't do to much bush wacking.



New Member
Mar 23, 2006
Cherry Hill, NJ
onehand said:
yes i got a tick on me hiking from Batsto to evans bridge yesterday, there everywhere, they got us surrounded

Nothing worse than ticks inside the wire... damn:jeffd:

Well, I did go to REI and get some of the Perithnum (sp?) spray... I already have DEET.

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
Good for you! Backpacking is a way of life for many people, inlcuding myself. I find very few things in life as satisfying as hiking across a ridge to summit some peak, or cross some Pine Lands swamp. Some people go to church, I go to the woods.:)
First rule is to always hike your own hike, never worry about pumping out miles unless that is were your mindset is. Sometimes I like a 20 mile death march, others I certainly do not. Batsto to Lower Forge is a great hike, in fact the Forge is one of my favorite campsites around. The Batona Camp is waaaay to crowded and just not off the beaten path enough to make for a quiet night out. So, if you want to get out keep an eye out. I post trips here now and then. If your looking to get out of Jersey sometime drop a line, I have some wicked trips lined up from now into summer.:jd:


New Member
Mar 23, 2006
Cherry Hill, NJ
Piney Boy said:
Good for you! Backpacking is a way of life for many people, inlcuding myself. I find very few things in life as satisfying as hiking across a ridge to summit some peak, or cross some Pine Lands swamp. Some people go to church, I go to the woods.:)
First rule is to always hike your own hike, never worry about pumping out miles unless that is were your mindset is. Sometimes I like a 20 mile death march, others I certainly do not. Batsto to Lower Forge is a great hike, in fact the Forge is one of my favorite campsites around. The Batona Camp is waaaay to crowded and just not off the beaten path enough to make for a quiet night out. So, if you want to get out keep an eye out. I post trips here now and then. If your looking to get out of Jersey sometime drop a line, I have some wicked trips lined up from now into summer.:jd:

Yes, I'm looking forward to checking out Lower Forge. I've liked Batona, but it seems to be hit or miss regarding solitude.

Also, thank you for the invitation. I'll keep my eyes open for postings.

Off Topic: That reminds me, I remember meeting a guy Bob at Batona about 10yrs ago. It was just he and I there and we shared meals (OK, he fed me real food as opposed to me eating granola) and talked. As I recall he was working on a book about the Batona trail or something and he owned a production company that put on "murder mystery" shows. I'd be curious if he posts on this site as he seemed to be really into the Pines.

Thanks Again,

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
I'm pretty excited about my planner this year. I'm doing Rickets Glen and The West Rim Trail, both in PA, for 4 dayers. My big one is The Wonderland Trail at that circles Mt. Ranier. I'm doing that as a two week excursion in September. Possibly back to The Dolly Sods Wilderness in WV to, thats if I can fit it in. My ultimate goal is to do an A.T. through hike in 2008. So many hikes, so little time....


New Member
Mar 23, 2006
Cherry Hill, NJ
LongIslandPiney said:
Pine flies are coming out early this year too. Unfortunately they seem to love DEET.


Also, it looks like it's going to be a solo trip as my buddy bailed. Oh well, more quiet I guess.

Also, I posted in another forum ("Electronics Insanity") that I've purchased a Garmin GPSMAP 76CSx (GARMIN GPS), so I'll try that out a bit.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Welcome to the forum Dargo. The ticks can be a pain but the chiggers are the worst! Pants tucked into your socks helps and of course lots of deet. I have used Permethrin and it seemed to work! Very toxic though. If you can stomach it, sulfer will work. Here is a tip I learned from some guys on the forum and it is a good one....smooth rubber waders. They are great for getting into swamps, bushwacking, are not that uncomfortable to wear, and ticks and chiggers have a hard time holding onto the rubber. You can get cheap ones at Dicks sporting goods. I swear by them when going into the deep woods/bush wacking. too much if you are on the trail though. As for flies...a cigar or cigarrette. The smoke will keep them away even if you don't smoke it.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Piney Boy said:
My big one is The Wonderland Trail at that circles Mt. Ranier.

Now that's a trail I'd like to take some day. It must really be a wonderland. I was at Mt. Ranier once in May I think. There was still banks of snow around the park housing.


Jan 13, 2006
woodjin said:
Here is a tip I learned from some guys on the forum and it is a good one....smooth rubber waders. They are great for getting into swamps, bushwacking, are not that uncomfortable to wear, and ticks and chiggers have a hard time holding onto the rubber. You can get cheap ones at Dicks sporting goods. I swear by them when going into the deep woods/bush wacking. too much if you are on the trail though.

I get some funny looks deer hunting in camo waders, but it's the best thing I've tried for keeping ticks and chiggers off. I got mine at Dicks.