Fishing this morning


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
got out early this morning to do a little fishing. Not much luck. Too much sediment in the water, poor visability. Any way, here is a snapper I saw.


Here is the southern most bog in that system west of Hampton furnance.


There used to be a landbridge near the north end of that bog, but there is no longer any evidence from the water. You can see it a bit from land.

I got out on the Batsto also. The water levels were low. Here are some meadow beauties along the bank.


Here is an interesting thing;
last Sunday my wife and son and I were swimming in the Mullica at one of those sandy beaches above Pleasant mills. I was in the water and I felt somthing touch my leg. Something slimey, fish like. At first I thought it was something brushing against me in the current but it happened repeatedly, sometimes approaching me from down-current. later, my wife felt it also.

I have never known a fish to do that and it had me wondering if it might have been an eel. I remember seeing a 4' one just south of Batsto lake a few years back, and I have seen them as far north as Parkdale.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
"I was in the water and I felt somthing touch my leg. Something slimey, fish like. At first I thought it was something brushing against me in the current but it happened repeatedly, sometimes approaching me from down-current. later, my wife felt it also."

Boy Jeff, your wife must have really loved that. Did she freak? When I moved into Bamber in '82 there were eels in the swimming area and no one paid any attention to them. They were very light, almost whitish-colored, 12-16" long or so.
got out early this morning to do a little fishing. Not much luck. Too much sediment in the water, poor visability. Any way, here is a snapper I saw.


Here is the southern most bog in that system west of Hampton furnance.


There used to be a landbridge near the north end of that bog, but there is no longer any evidence from the water. You can see it a bit from land.

I got out on the Batsto also. The water levels were low. Here are some meadow beauties along the bank.


Here is an interesting thing;
last Sunday my wife and son and I were swimming in the Mullica at one of those sandy beaches above Pleasant mills. I was in the water and I felt somthing touch my leg. Something slimey, fish like. At first I thought it was something brushing against me in the current but it happened repeatedly, sometimes approaching me from down-current. later, my wife felt it also.

I have never known a fish to do that and it had me wondering if it might have been an eel. I remember seeing a 4' one just south of Batsto lake a few years back, and I have seen them as far north as Parkdale.


We used to see them (eels) come up the tailrace at the Batsto sawmill when I worked there in the '70's. Some good sized ones too. But, any fish may bump you (what with all the oils, cremes, lotions, etc, you can't say what might attract them.) They are a tactile, opertunistic race of critters, after all.:D


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It appears you had an interesting morning :) Great photo's.
