Friendship Eastern Edge

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
My son and I finally made it over to the eastern perimeter of the Friendship bogs early Saturday April 16, swamp hopping and dam tightrope walking. We had limited time and walked south to the corner then west to the middle, then north and west again, next dike up. Towards the end we heard canines off in the distance that I though might be coyote, but it become clear they were a pack of hunting dogs, baying almost nonstop. As we started back through the swamp they came directly at us. Not knowing what to expect i told my son to stand close to me. The pack of five (bloodhounds?), sorry I don't know dogs, came within 5 ft. but never looked at us, and completely ignored us. They were wearing what appeared to be thick green collars - GPS or Radio? They briefly searched for a scent, and when they caught it, started howling, scrambling through the water, falling over logs in pursuit. When we came to the board bridge a half mile further towards Hawkins Bridge, a group of 5 friendly gents leaning against and chatting around a white pick-up truck told us their dogs were after a fox. I wondered how they would know when the pack caught it? Video on the collar? These guys did not look geared up to slog through the swamp for a fox. Hunting has apparently gone high tech. An interesting morning.



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