No, don't know anything about it, just saw it mentioned on another forum. It's possible that they are going to announce a replacement, but seems odd they wouldn't wait until afterwards to discontinue. Perhaps a realignment their product lines. Handhelds are becoming less important, they make most of their money on fitness-oriented and wearable devices these days.
OTOH, I could be reading this wrong. On this page they show the Oregon and Montana 6xx as "previous models" but not "discontinued". So perhaps new models are actually coming?
Previous models of Garmin outdoor devices including durable GPS watches and handhelds.
On the other site, they posted a link to this page that clearly shows them as discontinued. That page is on their Phillipines site though, I don't see it on the US site.
Delivering innovative GPS technology across diverse markets, including aviation, marine, fitness, outdoor recreation, tracking and mobile apps.
But you also have to consider that Garmin is a monopoly in the handheld market. Magellan is long gone (Al is like the last man standing

) and Garmin bought DeLorme and discontinued their handhelds. So they can do whatever they like with their handhelds and sell the models with the biggest profit margins without having to compete with other brands.