Garmin Mapsource Updates


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I had an issue with my laptop on Sunday, which runs Windows Vista, not working with my Garmin 60CSX. I usually dump my stuff into my desktop using Mapsource after a trip and manipulate points and view tracks.
This is the first time I did it on my laptop. I had put the Mapsource program into it awhile ago but had not used it.
The error message advised pasting the message, which looked like programming language, into an email to Garmin Tech Support.

I received a response yesterday and it seems that the propblem was fixed in a January 15, 2009 update to the Mapsource program.
Here is the link:

I dowloaded the update and it fixed the problem. They have also improved the graphics and other little things.

While I was on the update page, I saw that the latest hardware update for the 60 CSX was in July 2008. I dowloaded that update to my unit too.



Sep 14, 2008
Cinnaminson, NJ
I did an update to my Venture HC the other night.

A buddy of mine got a cheap Etrex and we were comparing them. He got the coordinates af a jersey barrier in our fire station parking lot, and we both entered them in our GPS's, his took him right to it. Mine on the other hand wanted to take me a 1/4 mile up the road!! :argh: Thats when I found out about the updates and installed them. I'm going to try it out at lunch today and see how it works out.