
For those of you who have no idea what GIS stands for, it is
Geographic Information Systems.
This fascinating way to extrapolate data is becoming widely used. GIS mapping allows the user the capability of extrapolating the data in the form of data layers that can be applied to the map. For instance, you could add layers of golf courses, municipalities, open space, water quality testing sites, street maps, census info, legislative blocks, quad boundaries, national heritage priority sites, etc.
In order to read GIS maps one needs an ArcExplorer, by ESRI. The top quality ArcExplorers/ArcViewers are several thousand dollars, about the price of auto CAD. These are mostly found at universities, state levels, etc. However, there is a free version available, which obviously is not as good, but still leads to some interesting information.
I've enclosed the link to our state GIS downloads, which you will need the ArcExplorer to view, and the link for the free ArcExplorer as well. I've enclosed the information of about 2/3 of the available state downloads, there are more on the website. They are fun maps to play with. In fact, the workshop I posted the other day re: historic sites will be focusing on the use of GIS mapping to preserve historic sites.
The state of NJ also has another GIS map available to the public, but I will post that info separately.
I'm copying and pasting from my WordPad, so I don't know if the links will be links, you may need to copy and paste.

Here are the state downloads:

Here is the free arcexplorer:

Here are some of the free GIS downloads available on the first link:

Ambient Stream Quality Monitoring Sites (1998-2001) - (23 KB, 595 KB unzipped)
This dataset is a GIS layer of points representing ambient stream sites monitored cooperatively by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) and the US Geological Survey (USGS) for water quality parameters. It includes fields identifying type of station for each monitoring year as well as the presence and type of water level gauge, the associated land use, the method of locating the points, the agency collecting the sample and the availability of flow data.

AMNET Biological Monitoring Sites (2000) -
This GIS data layer of points represents sites sampled by NJDEP as part of its Ambient Biomonitoring Network (AMNET). Sites are sampled in every sub-watershed, statewide, where the health of in-stream benthic macroinvertebrate communities are evaluated using the US Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (RBP).

- (58 KB, 163 KB unzipped)
The Coastal Area Facilities Review Act (CAFRA) legislates land use within the coastal area. Thus the boundary of the area was delineated. This shape file, CAFRA_2 has been modified by the Pinelands commission and updates the boundary (from the Bureau of Tidelands 1988 boundary) to reflect 1993 modifications to CAFRA.

Coastal Flooding (100 year) - (1025 KB, 1387 KB unzipped)
This dataset is a graphical representation of high hazard lines in 100-year flood areas of coastal New Jersey to help protect against major coastal flooding. The coverage was built as a network with line and polygon attributes.

Congressional Districts - (496 KB, 1.2 MB unzipped)
The Congressional Districts (condis) file was created to identify the political districts for New Jersey. The condis file was created from the 1986 State Municipality file (stmun) in ArcInfo software. The DISSOLVE command was used on the district code to create the congressional district boundaries. Information on the congressional district boundaries were obtained from the New Jersey Office of Legislative Information in 1992 which reflects the 1990 census.

Counties of New Jersey - (1168 KB, 1471 KB unzipped)
County boundaries in New Jersey were gathered from USGS topoquads and other sources in 1987. The scale of the original data varies, relying primarily on 1:24,000 topoquads.

Deed Notice Extent Polygons - (75 KB, 655 KB unzipped)
This polygon data layer identifies those Known Contaminates Sites (KCS) or site on Site Remediations Programs' (SRP) Comprehensive Site List (CSL) that have been assigned a Deed Notice.

Deed Notice Point Locations - (22 KB, 74 KB unzipped)
This points data layer identifies those Known Contaminates Sites (KCS) or site on Site Remediations Programs' (SRP) Comprehensive Site List (CSL) that have been assigned a Deed Notice.

Digital Elevation Grid (100 meter) for New Jersey - (4163 KB, 17938 KB unzipped)
A lattice is the ESRI GRID raster file generated from USGS DEM files. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the terminology adopted by the USGS to describe terrain elevation data sets in a digital raster form. 7.5-minute DEM (10-meter x 10-meter data spacing, cast on Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection) were merged and resampled at 100-meter x 100-meter for this data set.

Digital Elevation Hillshade Grid (100 meter) of New Jersey - (1984 KB, 2922 KB unzipped)
A hillshade is a raster file generated from a lattice. A lattice is the ESRI GRID raster file generated from USGS DEM files. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is the terminology adopted by the USGS to describe terrain elevation data sets in a digital raster form. 7.5-minute DEM (10-meter by 10-meter data spacing, cast on Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection) were merged and resampled to 100-meter by 100-meter for this data set. The ArcInfo Hillshade command was used with the defaults except for the z-factor which was exagerated by 50 to produce this hillshade.

Elevation Contours
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This dataset is a graphical representation of New Jersey's statewide elevation contours with twenty foot intervals. It was created from the USGS DEM 100 meter lattice.

Fish Index of Biotic Integrity Sampling Points (2000) - (8 KB, 19 KB unzipped)
The FISHIBI2000 coverage was created from AMNET sites (Biopts2k) as well as GPS'd points. Where a sampling site coincided with an existing Amnet site, the location of the Amnet site was used. Where the sampling site did not coincide with an Amnet site, a GPS reading was taken and then plotted. The FishIBI network was created as a biomonitoring network to supplement the current AMNET network (benthic macroinvertebrates).

Golf Courses (Statewide)
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This data represents the fairway, green and tee areas of all the golf courses in New Jersey. It was created by selecting all recreation polygons from the 1995/97 NJDEP land use/land cover (LU/LC) file. There are 256 courses identified and 553 polygons (Many courses show as discontinuous polygons because fairways/green/tee zones are separated by tracts of wetland, forest or other land covers. The purpose of the file is to determine course acreage to assist in estimating the amount of pesticide, fertilizer, and herbicide used on an annual basis. Therefore substantial (1 acre or more) tracts of forest or wetlands are not included in a course's polygons, although these areas may be owned by the Golf Course.

Groundwater Contamination Areas (CEA) - points (113 KB, 432 KB unzipped)
This polygon data layer identifies those Known Contaminated Sites or sites on the Site Remediation Program (SRP) Comprehensive Site List where groundwater contamination has been identified and, where appropriate, the NJDEP has established a Classification Exception Area (CEA). CEAs are institutional controls in geographically defined areas within which the New Jersey Ground Water Quality Standards (NJGWQS) for specific contaminants have been exceeded. When a CEA is designated for an area, the constituent standards and designated aquifer uses are suspended for the term of the CEA.

Groundwater Contamination Areas (CKE)
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This data layer contains information about areas in the state which are specified as the Currently Known Extent (CKE) of ground water pollution. CKE areas are geographically defined areas within which the local ground water resources are known to be compromised because the water quality exceeds drinking water and ground water quality standards for specific contaminants.

Historical Shorelines - (1057 KB, 3331 KB unzipped)
This dataset is a graphical representation of the historic shorelines for the four Atlantic Ocean counties (Atlantic, Cape May, Ocean, and Monmouth). It details the 11 different Atlantic Ocean shorelines in New Jersey from the years of 1836-1977. The shorelines are from 1836-42, 1855, 1866-68, 1871-75, 1879-85, 1899, 1932-36, 1943, 1951-53, 1971, and 1977. Not all years are complete or run the entire length of the four Atlantic counties. The coast coverage can be used as a 1986 shoreline.

Hydrography (state/3rd order or higher) - (2184 KB, 5858 KB unzipped)
This dataset is a graphical representation of New Jersey's State Rivers that are third order or higher. These rivers were reselected from each county's stream coverage. The original map source is the USGS 1:24,000 hydrography digital line graph (DLG) files.

Known Contaminated Sites (2001) - (892 KB, 3876 KB unzipped)
The Known Contaminated Sites List for New Jersey 2001 are those sites and properties within the state where contamination of soil or ground water has been identified or where there has been, or there is suspected to have been, a discharge of contamination. This list of Known Contaminated Sites may include sites where remediation is either currently under way, required but not yet initiated or has been completed. The data included here dates from 2001.

Municipalities of New Jersey - (1709 KB, 4417 KB unzipped)
Municipal boundaries in New Jersey were gathered from USGS topoquads and other sources in 1987. Since that time, updates to the data have been limited to noting consolidations of boundaries. The scale of the original data varies, relying primarily on 1:24,000 topoquads.

Named Places - (126 KB, 566 KB unzipped)
Point coverage of place names and features that are found on the USGS 7.5' topoquad series, specifically locale and populated places. Locale is a place at which there is or was human activity; it does not include populated places, mines, and dams (battlefield, crossroad, camp, farm, ghost town, landing, railroad siding, ranch, ruins, site, station, windmill). Populated places (ppl) is a place or area with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village).

Pinelands Area Boundary - (62 KB, 151 KB unzipped)
This is an ArcView shapefile of the New Jersey Pinelands boundary (PA_Boundary). The Pinelands boundary shapfile was created by digitizing 68 photo quarterquads. The photo quarterquads were then appended together to create the final shapefile (PA_Boundary).

Pinelands Management Areas - (2270 KB, 2978 KB unzipped)
The New Jersey Pinelands Management Areas divides the Pinelands area (state and federal) into sub-areas. Each area having different regulations with regard to development density and permitted uses, providing the foundation for municipal zoning. The coverage represents the official boundaries as outlined in the New Jersey Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan(CMP).

Quadrangle Boundaries - (16 KB, 54 KB unzipped)
This shapefile depicts the statewide grid of quadrangle boundaries for the State of New Jersey. It was generated in decimal degrees, NAD83, using the ARC/INFO GENERATE command with the FISHNET option. This grid was then projected to NJ State Plane Feet, NAD 83. The attributes and tic ids were updated as necessary. Coverage was converted to ArcView shapefile for distribution.

Quarterquad Boundaries
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This shapefile depicts the statewide grid of 1991 quarterquad boundaries. This data was generated in decimal degrees, NAD83, using the ARC/INFO GENERATE command with the FISHNET option. This grid was then projected to NJ State Plane Feet, NAD 83. The attributes and tic ids were updated as necessary. Coverage was converted to ArcView shapefile for distribution.

Shoreline Structures
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The shore protection structures project involved the identification, interpretation, and the plotting of all shoreline protection structures located along the New Jersey coastline and within the New Jersey Coastal Areas Facilities Review Act (CAFRA) zone. The structure that were identified include; Jetties, Groins, Revetments, Sea Walls, Breakwater. Jetties and groins are protective structures (usually built from rock, wood, or concrete) which extend outward from the shoreline.

Watershed Management Areas - (359 KB, 848 KB unzipped)
The depwmas shapefile is a simplified version of the ARC/INFO dephuc14 coverage. The dephuc14 is NJDEP's version of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologic-unit-code basins coverage that delineates the extent of the DEP watershed management regions and areas to be used for the statewide watershed initiative. The depwmas and dephuc14 ARC/INFO coverages comprise the Watershed Base Maps for New Jersey. Both coverages were created from the USGS HUC14 coverage by replacing the state boundary included with the USGS version with the DEP state and county border coverage (stco). These coverages were produced to address data-processing problems arising from combining the USGS huc14 coverage with NJDEP GIS coverages due to the use of conflicting state boundaries.

Watersheds (Watersheds by name - DEPHUC11) - (981 KB, 2372 KB unzipped)
Watersheds by Name (DEPHUC11) are delineated from 1:24,000-scale (7.5-minute) USGS quadrangles. The delineations have been developed for general purpose use by USGS District staff over the past 20 years. Arc and polygon attributes have been included in the coverage with basin names and ranks of divides, and 14-digit hydrologic unit codes. The New Jersey state boundary as originally defined in the USGS source coverage does not match that used by the NJDEP. Therefore the coverage was edited by the NJ Geological Survey to remove the USGS state boundary and insert the NJDEP state boundary, thus resolving most potential clipping errors.

Well Program Atlas Sheet Grid - (12.08 MB, 41.23 MB unzipped)
This grid is based on an old map series called the New Jersey Atlas Sheets and on a reference system based on them called the New Jersey Rectangular Coordinate System. The grid system developed as the ATLAS_GRID does not exist on the atlas sheets but is based on latitide and longitude grids included on the sheets.
