Golden Eagle Sighting !

Today, June 5, 2012, at about 6:10PM, I saw a Golden Eagle flying Northwest, about 4 miles north of the intersection of Rte 322 and Fries Mill Rd.

The bird was about 80' high ( roughly 4 car lengths), and in no particular hurry.

I hadn't seen one since boyhood and was rather moved.

(In the 70's, I wrote this, while riding a NYC subway):

Eagle Song

The eagle calls !
Forsaking walls
My spirit leaps to join her
In the freedom of the skies.

Our golden eyes
Flash like summer lightning
As in mock attack we clash :

Talons locked, we pinwheel down -
How the air around us sings !

Until at last, our passions quenched
We spread our whistling wings

To soar, aloof
Above Man's lowly world of things.

But then – below- I see myself
Still trapped in mortal chains :

Never to know the secrets of the wind -
Or to drink the wine of Freedom
From the chalice of the rains.