Google unveils new Maps features


Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
"Street View" images of hiking trails and remote spots, collected by technicians wearing a backpack rigged with cameras and GPS equipment.
New features announced Wednesday include the ability to download portions of Google Maps onto Android devices, so users can find their way in unfamiliar environs even if they don't have an active Internet connection. The company also showed off new backpacks rigged with cameras that technicians will use to obtain "Street View" images of paths and trails in remote locations.
Google also plans to offer detailed three-dimensional models of major cities in coming months. Product manager Peter Birch said the company is using a fleet of chartered planes to obtain detailed aerial photos from different angles, which are then compiled into lifelike images of buildings, streets and even trees.
But despite several questions from reporters, Google Vice President Brian McClendon avoided commenting directly on Apple's plans. Google Maps are used on a variety of gadgets, including Apple's, he said. "We'll continue to make Google Map services available as widely as possible."