Grants boost market plan for Pinelands

"Protecting the Pinelands is a political issue," she said. "By getting people out there, it is our hope that they will communicate with their representatives that they're beautiful and ecological, and worth protecting."

Of couse they will do that after leaving all thier trash behind.

BTW, I got one of those cellaphane ballons attached to a birthday gift. I'm thinking of taking it directly to the Pines. Why risk it overshooting them in free flight. :D (inside joke)



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I watched a few leaving my development last night, and was certain I would see them again.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
It really is out of hand. Can we get a Supreme Freaking Court opinion calling for them to be outlawed? When I go out in the pines I see them each and every trip. I cover, say, 3 acres per trip. If we have 900,000 acres (give or take), that means we have about 300,000 balloons out there silently waiting for us.


May 18, 2004
If we're lucky, maybe they'll all eat dinner at Beau Rivage, visit Batsto and then continue to Atlantic city never to return.

I finally discovered the balloon phenomenon. It took months. I kept wondering where all of the balloons that I'd heard and read about were hiding in the woods. After I broke through the invisible doorway there was at least a balloon a trip.

A while back I read about a guy, it was also part of a comedy routine, who started sending back his junk mail. We should have a 'mail back a mylar balloon' day. We, and whomever we can get to join the cause, will all mail dead forest balloons to a manufactuter on the same day. Yeah, you'll have to buy a few extra stamps and address a few envelopes for the reluctant. Everybbody can label the balloon and identify which state forest, park, or preserve in which the offending was found. Maybe we should send them to state government.