Guns, Guns, Guns


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Did you see the display of confiscated guns the Philadelphia Police displayed, just from this year? Called them the real weapons of mass destruction. They are right about that, and it was a very effective display. Not sure what they can change, but something has to change. We cannot go on like it is.

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
It seems like they pop this off every single year and it does nothing to deter crime. I walk the city streets and see clothes and t-shirts ("Don't Snitch") that glamorize violence and a drug related culture. While looking at that arsenal on t.v. is thought provoking and disturbing in suburbia, I think it makes no impact at all in the city.
I don't think any change is coming in the near future unless ethics and education are brought to the places needed most; the inner city. Violence begets violence, and poverty begets poverty. When that change is broken through positive family influence change will finally come.


Jan 31, 2006
I agree, the violence on the inner city streets is an acceptable cultural phenomenon. In certain cultures it is ok to have a baby and raise it in a single mother household so that the male child grows up without any sort of role model and that inturn leads to joining others in the same social group raised without fathers. These groups are typically referred to as gangs and these gangs are accepted secondary family groups that promote violence and music that also promotes violence and that life style of consumerism whereby those with the most "bling" are in the upper hierarchy.
Unfortunately, in these cultural groups it is also acceptable to drop out of the mainstream education system as it does not encourage their preferred lifestyle so therefore these education systems are deemed repressive of the prevailing moral tendencies. This lack of education and working role models typically dictates that those in these groups are unable to find jobs to earn a living so therefore in order to achieve the level of consumerism that is desired, most turn to a life of crime to take from others what they themselves cannot legally earn.
The most common tool used by these groups to commit these crimes are guns. However these groups fail to follow the current legal guidelines for obtaining their guns and rather than applying for a gun permit and submitting themselves to a background check and fingerprinting and waiting the typical 6-18 months to receive their permit in order to buy a gun legally, these guns they obtain to commit their crimes are obtained by illegal methods such as burglary and or purchasing them by other unlawful means.

As a legal gun owner who has followed all the lawful guidelines in the purchase of firearms, I don’t believe that the problem today with the inner city violence are the guns. I hypothesize that the lifestyle leads to the acceptable use of guns as a simple tool. To do anything about the violence you would need to change the culture.

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
Well said Chris, I agree wholeheartedly. Until the culture in question changes its value system, which includes a deeper value in education and the commitment of two parents, things will not change no matter if the news shows these commercials every hour on the hour.

wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
ChrisNJ said:
This lack of education and working role models typically dictates that those in these groups are unable to find jobs to earn a living so therefore in order to achieve the level of consumerism that is desired, most turn to a life of crime to take from others what they themselves cannot legally earn.
The most common tool used by these groups to commit these crimes are guns. However these groups fail to follow the current legal guidelines for obtaining their guns and rather than applying for a gun permit and submitting themselves to a background check and fingerprinting and waiting the typical 6-18 months to receive their permit in order to buy a gun legally, these guns they obtain to commit their crimes are obtained by illegal methods such as burglary and or purchasing them by other unlawful means.

As a legal gun owner who has followed all the lawful guidelines in the purchase of firearms, I don’t believe that the problem today with the inner city violence are the guns. I hypothesize that the lifestyle leads to the acceptable use of guns as a simple tool. To do anything about the violence you would need to change the culture.

Absolutely correct. If they can't find a way, they will make their own AKA the 'Zip' guns made from tubing, a chunk of wood, a rubber band & electrical tape that the gangs used in the 40's & 50's before all the drug money allowed then to buy guns.This developed the buy 'em in Georgia & Virginia & sell them in NYC, Phila & Camden at a 300% markup trade.