Haze's Crossway


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
Hey guys, the other day when I was out in the woods my friend Jack and I got ourselves onto Hays Crossway, south of the Bulltown Bogs. As I mentioned in another thread it isn't much of a road, but we managed to get most of the way along.

Today in Jersey Genesis I was reading the chapter on Hazelton Birdsall and Bill Birdsall mentioned "Haze's Crossway" to Beck. Has to be the same road, right? If he was accurate then it started out as Hazelton's Crossway, then became Haze's Crossway, and now it's Hays?

Interesting how words morph over time, even in the official record.

Also, has anyone here seen Joos Sooy's stone or know whether it is still there? The "field behind the boatshed" if I am picking the right one, looks to be tree-covered now. I think I will take a swing along the Mullica on my next trip. Lots of stories down there.