I hate when it happens (contrails)


Jan 11, 2006
As someone who likes to photograph nature, it is important to keep the setting as natural as possible, without having many "man-made" objects. It is especially important for photographing ponds.
I was going to head out to some ponds in Ridge yesterday, it was supposed to be a sunny day with bright blue skies.
What we got instead was something entirely different. Jet contrails, and lots of them. It seems few are doing anything to get rid of them. The sky would have been clear, but planes want to fly in a high layer of atmosphere which is sometimes very sensitive to disturbance/ Jet exhaust introdues particles for contrails to form. Not only are they ugly, studies have shown they are contributing to global warming. The problem can be solved by having planes fly slightly lower, but the air industry wont give us back our clear skies anytime soon.
Here's what they did to our sky yesterday:

satellite photo from yesterday, all those thin looking clouds (except for the puffy ones offshore) are jet contrails. Notice how some of them spread out.

and at sunset...what a mess!



Jan 11, 2006
They are solved because contrails only form when it's cold and moist, it has to be real cold. By having planes fly a little lower, the exhaust wont condense into clouds.
The drawback is more fuel is used. Perhaps there is a way to design planes that dont cause contrails.
There's just too many planes in the sky I guess, I never remember seeing so many contrails years ago.
Jet engines also produce alot of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases. I wish our nation had invested in high speed cross country trains like Europe, maybe there wouldnt be so many planes in the sky.

Here's a more complete explanation of contrails from Wikipedia:

Contrails are condensation trails (sometimes vapour trails): artificial cirrus clouds made by the exhaust of aircraft engines or wingtip vortices which precipitate a stream of tiny ice crystals in moist, frigid upper air. Contrary to appearances, they are not air pollution as such, though might be considered visual pollution.

As NASA states [1],

"Contrails only form at very high altitudes (usually above 8 km) where the air is extremely cold (less than -40 degrees C). Other clouds can form at a range of altitudes, from very close to the ground, such as fog, to very high off the ground, such as cirrus clouds."

Condensation from engine exhaust
A vehicle engine's exhaust increases the amount of moisture in the air, which can push the water content of the air past saturation point. This causes condensation to occur, and the contrail to form. When the fuel is burned, the carbon combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide; the hydrogen also combines with oxygen to form water, which emerges as in the exhaust. For every gallon of fuel burned, approximately one gallon of water is produced, in addition to the water already present as humidity in the air used to burn the fuel. At high altitudes this water vapour emerges into a cold environment, (as altitude increases, the atmospheric temperature drops) and the local increase in water vapour density condenses into tiny water droplets and/or desublimates into ice. These millions of tiny water droplets and/or ice crystals form the contrails. The energy drop (and therefore, time and distance) the vapour needs to condense accounts for the contrail forming some way behind the aircraft's engines.The majority of the cloud content comes from water trapped in the surrounding air. At high altitudes, supercooled water vapour requires a trigger to encourage desublimation. The exhaust particles in the aircraft's exhaust act as this trigger, causing the trapped vapor to rapidly turn to ice crystals. Contrails will only occur when the outside air temperature around the aircraft is at or below -57 degrees Celsius.

[edit] Condensation from wing-tip pressure
Main article: wingtip vortices
The wings of an airplane cause a drop in air pressure in the vicinity of the wing (this is partly what enables a plane to fly). This drop in air pressure brings with it a drop in temperature, which can cause water to condense out of the air and form a contrail but only at higher altitudes. At lower altitudes, this phenomenon is also known as "ectoplasm." Ectoplasm is more commonly seen during high energy manouvers like those of a fighter jet, or on jet liners during takeoff and landing, at areas of very low pressure, including over the wings, and often around turbo-fan intakes on takeoff.

[edit] Contrails and climate
Contrails, by affecting cloud formation, can act as a radiative forcing. Various studies have found that contrails trap outgoing longwave radiation emitted by the Earth and atmosphere (positive radiative forcing) at a greater rate than they reflect incoming solar radiation (negative radiative forcing). Therefore, the overall effect of contrails is a warming.[1] However, the effect varies daily and annually, and overall the size of the forcing is not well known: globally (for 1992 air traffic conditions), values range from 3.5 mW/m² to 17 mW/m². Other studies have determined that night flights are most responsible for the warming effect: while accounting for only 25% of daily air traffic, they contribute 60 to 80% of contrail radiative forcing. Similarly, winter flights account for only 22% of annual air traffic, but contribute half of the annual mean radiative forcing.[2]

September 11, 2001 climate impact study
It had been hypothesized that in regions such as the United States with heavy air traffic, contrails affected the weather, reducing solar heating during the day and radiation of heat during the night by increasing the albedo. The suspension of air travel for three days in the United States after September 11, 2001 provided an opportunity to test this hypothesis. Measurements did show that without contrails the local diurnal temperature range (difference of day and night temperatures) was about 1 degree Celsius higher than immediately before;[3] however, it has also been suggested that this was due to unusually clear weather during the period.[4]


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Contrails have spoiled many a nice sky shot for me too, especially timelapse video of moving clouds where you see a plane streak across the frame. But unfortunately I doubt there's much we can do about it...


Jan 11, 2006
Contrails have spoiled many a nice sky shot for me too, especially timelapse video of moving clouds where you see a plane streak across the frame. But unfortunately I doubt there's much we can do about it...

Other than editing it out in photoshop.:guinness:
But it gets pretty difficult on days like yesterday, where contrails were just covering the sky.